Chap.3 eclipsa's training

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Marci's P.O.V
Next day morning

I just woke up when star burst into my room "Hey Marco time to get up" she said before leaving my room just as quickly as she came in. Ugh can believe she still does that I then got up and got dressed in my normal outfit, white shirt, black pants and my red hoodie once I was dressed and finished doing my business in the bathroom. I walked out and found eclipsa standing in the hall "hello eclipsa do you need anything" I asked her "why yes Marco I came to tell you that after breakfast I'm going to help you with your magic training" she told me.

"Alright" i said before walking down to the dining room were star was with Tom "hey guys" I said while sitting down at the table. "Hey Marco how are you" star asked "I'm good how about you" i replied/asked star "I'm great hey do want to come with me, Tom and Janna to go boot sledding" star asked.

"Sorry I cant I'm busy today" I told them "with what" Tom then asked "oh just some training stuff and eclipsa wants to teach me something" I told them. "But hey why don't you and me go ride our dragon cycles tomorrow to make up for it" i said to Tom. "Yea sure" Tom replied before getting up with star and walking away.

I then finished eating and got up and walked to were eclipsa was waiting for me. Even though I'm scared to tell them the truth I hate lying to them about why I'm really here and what I'm really doing maybe I will be able to tell Tom tomorrow. Maybe I will be able to but I'm not sure I soon find eclipsa waiting in my room "are you ready dear" she asked.

"Yes I am" I told her I then walked over to my nightstand and opened the box I stared at my parents picture for awhile. Before I grabbed my moms wand it then changed from her fan to my wand which was kinda like stars but was green and had bat like demon wings and instead of a crown on-top it had a spike type thing with a red diamond in the middle. Image of wand and of Marco below

                 "Well now that who have your wand it's time to teach you some spells" eclipsa told me "first we will star with some simple spells" she said we then began with some simple spells that eclipsa knew

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"Well now that who have your wand it's time to teach you some spells" eclipsa told me "first we will star with some simple spells" she said we then began with some simple spells that eclipsa knew. After awhile we moved on to some spells that were a tad more difficult. But soon after an hour I grew tired "c c can we take a break" I asked her stuttering a little because I was out of breath.

"Yes we surly can" she said "we will continue this tomorrow doing this for to long will end up draining your magic" she told me before leaving my room. Once she left I put my wand away in the box I then decided to take a nap before lunch.

I woke up to some one yelling my name "Marco Marco come on and get up" star yelled "alright I'm up" I said. I checked the time and noticed it was lunch time "thanks for waking me up" I said to star "no problem no let's go eat some lunch" star said in reply. We then walked down to the dining room where lunch was being served "hey where's Tom" I asked noticing that he wasn't here "oh he's parents needed to talk to him so he had to go home" star then explain. "Alright" i said before we sat down and are our food.

Once we were finished eclipsa came up to me "Marco to mind watching meteora, me and globgor wanted to have a date night" she asked me "oh yea sure I love to" I then replied. "But I thought she hated Marco" star asked "Well it seems she changed her mind about him cuz she loves him now" eclipsa then explained to star.

Me and star then fallowed her to meteora's room once we walked in though meteora jumped down from the ceiling and on to me. "Hey meteora" i said while grabbing her off of me "aw that's so cute I'm glad she likes you now" star said smiling at me and meteora.

Soon star started helping eclipsa get ready for her date with globgor while I played with meteora. After an hour star was finished and left to go see her mom "bye Marco bye bye meteora" star said saying the last part to meteora n a baby voice. "Now Marco you know where all of meteora's things are right" eclipsa asked me "Yes eclipsa" I told "everything is going to be just fine" I then said to relieve eclipsa of her worries.

There then was a nock on the door a few minutes after once eclipsa opened it meteora wiggled out of my arms and crawled to globgor. "Hello Marco hi sweetie" he then said to both me and meteora "he then walked over to me and handed her to me. "Take good care of my daughter while we are gone alright" he said "she will be safe in my hands sir" I replied.

        They soon left after saying goodbye I then looked down towards to meteora who was in my arms "so little one what do you want to do" I asked her. "Pway" was the only thing she said that I could understand stand so I then walked over to where her toy chest was. I then set her down and we then started playing with what ever toy she chose. Soon after an hour an half of playing she looked at me and pulled on my hoodie sleeve.

        "Hunwry" she said "alright little on let's get you some food" I said before walking over to where eclipsa keep meteora's snacks. I then grabbed one of them and gave them to her and while she was eating some of them I got her a bottle. Knowing that she would want something to drink before going to bed. Once she fell a sleep I quietly picked her up and gently put her into her crib and covered her up.

       "Night little one" I said before sitting down one the couch next to it in exhaustion because chasing after her and running to catch when she fell from the ceiling in vary tiring. A few minutes after sitting down ecilpsa and globgor walked into the room. "Shh" I said "she's sleeping" I told So they wouldn't walk her up "thank you marco" eclipsa said "no problem eclipsa" I told before saying goodnight and walking to my room.

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