Chapt.2 new life

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Marci's P.O.V

       " hello children now Marco if you'll fallow me I will show you to your room" eclipsa said. "Ok" I replied grabbing my bags before fallowing her out of star's room "see ya later star" I told star she the replied with "yea see ya later Marco". I then left star's room fallowing eclipsa to my new room.

        "So Marco are you ready to tell star your little secret yet" eclipsa asked me
"No but I still have a few months before I have to so hopefully by then I will be ready"
"It must be so hard to tell her this isn't"
"Yes it is we been friends for so long and I have kept this for her I have no idea of how she will act when I finally do tell her" I told eclipsa because I really was scared. I had no idea how to tell her I'm a butterfly and part demon like how would she react to all of this. Ugh why did this have to become so complicated.

        "Here's your new room Marco it was also your moms old room" eclipsa told me "thx eclipsa I'm going to start unpacking now alright" I then told her "alright I'll leave you for now I'll come and get you when lunch is ready" she replied. I then walked into my mothers old room it was beautiful and it gave of a warm motherly feeling. I then started unpacking all my stuff I put all my clothes in my closet carefully hinding my dress in the back.

     I put a picture of me and my adoptive parents who will soon forget I exist on to the night stand along with the box that has my necklace,my moms wand and a photo of them and a baby me in it. I set it next to the picture I then left the rest of the pictures and posters for later. Soon it was 12 and it was time for lunch.

"Hello Marco it's time for lunch let's go" eclipsa said when she came to get me. "Alright" i said and fallowed her out of my room. We then passed star's room "star lunch is ready" eclipsa said and star came running out of her room. We soon were walking down the halls towards the dining room once we got there I saw everyone moon, and her husband. Tom as also here along with Janna who helps watch's meteora me and star sat down next to Tom. Star sitting on his right while I sat on his left and we ate lunch.

Time skip to after lunch

It was now time for training since I have to keep my story up till I finally tell star about my secret and anyways learning more fighting styles was always fun. And some of the training was also learning how to be a princess with glosoric and eclipsa. Once I got to the training room I found one of the head guard "ah you must be Marco ready for your training" he asked me "I was born ready" I told him in reply we then started training just some warm up fighting to get our blood going.

We then started with sword training which was pretty easy since I already knew how to sword fight a little bit. After about an hour of that we decided to take a break for half and hour so I went to go find star I looked everywhere but I still couldn't find her. And seeing that my half hour was almost up I decided to start walking back to the training room I was half way there when I bumped into star and Tom. "Hey star I was just looking for you" I told star "that's funny we were just at the training room looking for you" star then told.

"Ah well that's to bad my half hour break Is almost up so I got to back to training" I told her "oh really can we watch" star then asked. "Sure if you want to" I told her so we walked together towards the training room together once we got there I went back to training. Which for me was fun I loved every minute of finally we were done though and I could finally hang out with star. "Hey do guys want to hang out after I take a shower" I asked them "yea sure" Tom said "we would love to" star said to so we walked to my room together.

"If you want you can wait inside" I told them they just said "alright" before we all walked in to my room. Star sat on my bed and looked at my box and asked "Hey Marco what's that"
"Oh that's nothing jut a box of things that some special people gave me"
"Ooh what kind of things"
"Um nothing really"
"Oh ok" star said before I grabbed a towel and a new shirt and pants leaving my sweatshirt on my bed with star and Tom. I then went and took a shower thinking about weather or not I should tell star about my secret like how she would take it and would she be upset that I kept this from her I really don't like lying to her like this but it scares me thinking about her reaction.

        Like what if she hates me for not telling her and stuff well whatever I had just finished getting dressed and walked out. I found them just sitting there talking "hey guys so what do you want to do" i asked them while i grabbed my sweatshirt. "Why don't we play truth or dare" star asked "Yea let's play that" Tom replied "if you guys really want to then fine" I told them.

       So we all sat down in a circle and started this dreaded game hopefully they don't find out my secret this way "ok so you wants to go first" I asked. "Me me I want to go first" star said way to excitedly "alright Marco truth or dare" star asked me.
"Truth" I told her
"Ok um who do have a crush on now"
"Um right now no one"
"Really you don't like anyone right now" Tom said not fully believing that I liked some one

Time skip to after dinner

Once we finished that embarrassing game and luckily no one found out my secret we saw that it was dinner time. After dinner I said goodnight to everyone but there's now another secret that I'm keeping when star asked if I had a crush on anyone I lied I do have one. My crush is Tom I really like him but I can't confess because his dating star and the person he knows is not the real me. And I don't want to ruin there relationship by confessing to him once the spell breaks ugh why dose my life have to be so complicated.

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