Chap.4 hanging out with tom

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Marci's P.O.V

      'Sigh' I thought once I woke up I had another wishful dream that would never come true well at least some parts may never come true. My dream was me on my wedding day my father was walking me down the aisle and Tom was waiting for me at the end. Then it changed turning to my parents cooing over me and Tom children. Sadly I know that those parts with my parents would never happen because there no longer her and the parts with Tom are maybe just a dream that may never come true.

         I then realized that today Tom and I are going to ride our dragon cycles today I'm so happy I haven't seen nachos in a while. I then took a shower before changing into my dragon cycle riding outfit which was just my normal outfit but with a bad boy twist. I had on my red hoodie on with a black leather jacket over it I also had my leather gloves on I only really wear them when I'm riding nachos.

      Once I was dressed and ready I then walked down stairs to eat breakfast though this Time i was by myself star must still be with her mom and dad. Once I was finished eating I walked outside and whistled for nachos I soon then saw her flying towards me "hey girl how have you been" I asked while petting her affectionally. She then rubbed her head on me loving the attention "are you ready for a ride" I then said which she roared in reply meaning yes.

We then flew of to our normal meeting spot were we met before we ride we just sat in silence waiting for Tom while I occasionally would pet nachos. Soon I saw Tom's dragon coming towards us he then stoped next to us and got off of his dragon-cycle "hey Tom" I said to him "Hey Marco So it's just you and me to day huh" he asked. "Yea it's just us" I told "alright you ready to ride" I then asked him "hell yea" his said in reply we both then hoped on our dragon-cycles before riding of.

After awhile of riding we took a small break near a vary small river so nachos and mortem toms dragon-cycle could rest and get a drink of water while they were resting me and Tom just sat and talked. "So Marco how have you been" Tom asked me
"I've been doing fine"
"So I was wondering what kind of training were you doing with eclipsa" he asked with some suspicion in his voice "well nothing really she just wanted to show me a few things" I told him. Before continuing on with "she thinks that what she showed and taught me will help me be a better knight" I told him even though I hated lying to him maybe I should just tell him my secret.

        After that we then decided to keep riding after awhile we stoped on top of a cliff "Hey Marco can I talk to you about something important" he asked once we sat down. "Yea sure Tom what's up" I asked "Well I think me and star might break up soon" he said with a lot of nervousness in his voice "what why you seem like such a great couple" I said in shock even thought I was kinda happy. "Well yea I know but it just seems like were slowly falling apart" he said "oh" i said not really knowing what to do because there both my best friends and I don't want either one to get hurt.

I then saw it was starting to get dark "Hey Tom we should probably start getting back" I said to him "oh yea we should" he replied wile looking up at the sky. We both then hoped on our dragon-cycles and riding back towards the castle once we got there i said "hey are you staying or going home" I asked him "well I'm staying for dinner then I got to go home my parents need me to help with the up coming ball" Tom said. We then walked in and went towards the dining room as we were walking meteora jumped down from the ceiling and landed on me.

"Meteora" i said while grabbing her off of my head "wow seems like she likes you now" Tom said Laughing at me and meteora. And oh good did his laugh send shivers down my spine it was amazing and was just music to my ears and I would do anything to keep hearing his laugh. We then soon ended up in the dining room were eclipsa said "oh good you found her Marco I was just about go look for her and you" she then walked over and grabbed meteora from me and put her into her high chair.

         We then all sat down to eat while we ate we some how kept up a conversation that at times had us all laughing sadly star wasn't here to witness and join in. Soon dinner was over and Tom had to go "Hey I gotta go see ya Marco and thanks for the talk earlier I needed it" he said before leaving "your welcome Tom see ya tomorrow" I said back to him in reply. After he left I said goodnight to meteora, eclipsa and globgor before heading up to my room I then changed into my pjs and went to bed were I had a weird dream that I have every full moon.

        On a full moon I'm granted a gift where every full moon i am able to visit my mom in my dreams sadly I am not able to see, hear or talk to my dad. Me and my mom talk about what's going on In my life and she tells me how dad is doing some times I love these talks because she helps me out when I need advice but sometimes I hate them because I know once I walk up I won't be able to see her for a long time.

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