More tags! 😂

2K 38 12

-> Mention who tagged you

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-> Mention who tagged you.

C0V3RnC0NC34L tagged meh! :)

-> Do it in less than 3 days.

Yeah I did it a day after I got tagged

-> Say 10 things about you.

1. I'm a girl (most of u probs already knew)
2. I live for anime
3. And creepypasta
4. I can play piano (horribly)
5. I do a few sports (kinda)
6. I'm Asian (wow very shook)
7. I have large hands (right I am starting to run out of ideas here)
8. I hAVe dEPrESSiOn
9. I talk fast (sometimes)
10. I have a backup account

-> Tag 28 people.

wHAT I don't have that many friends

I'm gonna tag the same person like I did last time sorry if I'm annoying you guys😂


Forgive me

-> Tell a joke.

What do you call a fish without eyes?



Pls love me

-> Write a spoiler for one of your stories.

I'm actually working on a story rn and it's gonna be about a sad depressed boi *cri

-> Put these rules in your tag.

Picture up there just screenshot and post, done😂

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