4 Careful Talk

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Tadeshi's P.O.V.

I walked back to my room after a long day, there was nothing else to do and so I laid in my bed and took a nap. Not long in my nap, I heard a rudely interrupting knock on the door that woke me up. I stood up and went to the door and asked who it was.

No answer...

Rude, you annoy me with your knocks and wake me up only to prank me? Think you don't fool me kiddo.

I scoffed and planned to head back to my bed, I heard it knock again. But louder. It's like he or she knows I was planning to go back.

"Who is it?" I asked yet again...

Still no answer. With this I took my right foot forward and opened the door, the knob clicked and the door revealed nothing but the hallway. As disturbing as it was, it was night time. Guess I slept too long. Isn't Cedric supposed to be here by now?

I looked around the hallways and saw nothing but darkness. As I expected the night would be...

I sighed and closed the door, and locked it. Clumping of my feet could be the only thing that is heard and nothing else. The darkness in my room did no help as I crept upon my bed.

I snuggled in and closed my eyes shut.

*Knock... Knock... Knock....*

Again... The knocking... What is this? A horror movie!? What is up with this!?

I stood up and sped to the door and it flew open revealing a pale white pervert I wish never knocked on my door.

"You son of a--" Zaro pinned me against the wall.

"Don't hit me, beautiful... I was just knocking because of orders... Your pup friend asked me to." Zaro said gripping at my hand. I scoffed and pushed him away from me.

"You didn't have to touch me." I spat as I dusted myself.

"I wasn't going to. I wasn't even planning to yet." Zaro answered.

Yet? Pfft. You wish...

"Where is he? Why this late at night? Doesn't he know that I'm tired?" I asked.

"One question at a time, Sleeping Beauty. Okay... One, I think he's near your brother's room. Two, I don't know either. Three, he said that you never came at the end of class so he thought you were still awake by now like you always did." Zaro explained, aligning his answers with my questions with his fingers.

"Fine... Let's go." I said leading the way towards my stepbrother's door.

We watched as Blake entered the brightly lit room. Guess my stepbrother was expecting him... And probably us... But why?

"Ah, Tadeshi. There you are kitty." Tada chuckled lightly as he said this.

"Stop it, pup. Or I'll put you to your bum." I shot back.

"Alright. You might be wondering why I asked Blake to call you this late. As much as I love sleeping, I am afraid that there is no other time to talk about this privately than now." Tada began. "Cedric was sent home to grab some gadgets and gizmos that I have invented in the past two months. I'll explain what it's for later." He stated.

"Wait... What is going on? How long have I been asleep?" I asked confused. Zaro just looked at me and pinched my cheek.

"Long enough for your beautiful sleepy eyes to shine in the mother moon." He stated.

"Ugh.. Never mind..." I removed his hand immediately from my cheek and waited for Cedric to arrive.

"You know, you can't just sit on someone without permission." I jumped at a deep voice coming from a the chair I sat on. It was Odin, staring at me with his sharp red glowing eyes.

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