1 Father-Daughter-Stepbrother

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It's the weekend, my grandparents and I will be going to my father's mansion.

I was clothed in a puffy dress, my waist was wrapped in a golden dress that matched my golden-brown to white hair, my ears hidden in my cap as my tail was stuffed in the large dress. I was uncomfortable, yet I still had to clothe in this wear since it was my stepbrother's birthday.

Many people will be attending, my stepbrother was no younger than me, he was turning twenty two today, it's a miracle how he doesn't have a lover at this time.

My stepbrother was nice, he used to call me cute names and pinch my cheek when I was five. Of course mother was weird out by my stepmother since, she treats me like a daughter that she never had.

I thought it was normal for a noble to have more than one wife... It turned out that my father was one of the few nobles who remarried before their old wife's death. My mother and father splitted up when mother met uncle Jared. I was ten at that time...

We arrive at the garden of the mansion in my hometown... The kingdom of Erabethia. We were greeted by a crowd and my father and stepmother, tagging along them was my stepbrother who was very delighted to see me.

My stepbrother, Tada Tori tossed himself on me in a hug when he saw me. He let go and squished my poor cheeks and chuckled.

"Look at you, how's my little kitty?" Tada cooed.

"What am I? Five? Tada stop babytalking me... I feel weird..." I said in an annoyed tone. I heard Irene chuckle behind me.

Grandmother invited Irene and her cousin Odin Yamada with us, they probably never been in a gathering like this. Odin seemed very quiet, and Irene was very shy as well.

"Ah, who is this lovely lady? A friend of yours, Kitten?" Tada asked. I nudged him and gave him a skeptical look.

"Your gonna get me in trouble." I whisper-yelled at Tada.

"They don't know?" Tada replied quietly.

"No!" I blunted.

"My Princess? Is there anything wrong?" Grandfather asked.

"Oh, no grandfather! It's just Tada and his teasing! Right?" I asked behind grinded teeth.

"Yes! Grandfather, would you like to go inside? There are a lot of desserts you would be delighted with!" Tada invited. With a small nod, Grandfather left with Grandmother and the four of us were left alone. "So, Isah? Is this your date~?" Tada asked teasingly.

"No, this is Irene's cousin. Odin Yamada, this is my stepbrother Tada Tori." I introduced.

"Nice to meet you sir Tada." Odin bowed.

"Just Tada, we might get along. And you must be Irene?" Tada asked, Irene nodded.

"N-nice to meet you..." Irene bowed elegantly. I rolled my eyes in disbelief and laughed the embarrassment off.

"Why won't you take your chit chat to the dancefloor?" I chuckled.

"Master Tada!" Tada's butler called.

"I might need to leave you... Nice to meet you, Irene. Odin. I will see you later on!" And with that Tada left.


Irene blabbered about Tada all throughout the party, her cheeks lighting up everytime she mentions his name. I just shook my head side to side and chuckle at her reactions.

It's not new to me that some girls like Irene would have this kind of first impression on Tada, he had met many girls along the way of his studies alongside Irene and they all ask me for tips on how to please my stepbrother. Tada is quite the handsome man and the chiclit-boy, but he is more of a businessman and loved spending time with books and history.

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