Part four

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The sight was horrifying. I dropped my flashlight letting out a bloody murder scream, ignoring the necklace that was next to the trash bag that was leaking blood.

"Help!!" I yelled as high and loud as my voice could. Why didn't I run? I was frozen from what I saw. The horrifying murder scene.

"(Y/N)?!" Awsten yelled. I heard him running toward me. I felt his warm arms embrace me from behind. "What's wrong?" Awsten asked. I pointed to the bloody trash bag. He let go of me and went over to it.

"How did you find this?" He asked raising his voice. "What do you mean? I asked. "You went to this campground for a REASON why did you?!" Awsten yelled squeezing my shoulders. "I felt like something was wrong. I followed my instincts." I whispered letting a tear drop.

"Why are you crying?" He asked letting go of me. "Awsten." I whispered. I opened the trash bag to reveal a dead teenage girls body. "This is why I'm crying. Awsten there's a murderer out here. Why aren't you scared?" I asked. "Because-" "(Y/N)!!" Otto and Geoff yelled running toward me cutting off Awsten. "What happened?! We heard you yell for help!" Geoff yelled hugging me. "You didn't wake them up?" I asked looking at Awsten.

"There wasn't time." Awsten replied in a deep voice. "What's that smell?" Otto asked covering his nose with his shirt. I pointed to the lifeless body in the trash bag. "JESUS." Geoff yelled turning around no longer facing me. "We need to call the cops." Otto said pulling out his phone. "Don't!" Awsten yelled grabbing Otto's phone smashing it on the ground.

"What the heck, dude?!" Otto yelled. "What would it look like?! Us finding a dead body at three am!" Awsten yelled. "But what would it look if we fled the scene?" Otto said. "We can't just do nothing." I said butting in. We heard sirens.

We looked in the direction we were hearing. I saw blue and red lights flashing. "We need to go NOW." Awsten yelled. We all ran back to the rv, but Awsten stayed back picking up something near the trash bag. "What did you grab?" I asked. He didn't answer and ran with Geoff and Otto.

"Freeze!" Two cops yelled pulling out their guns. We all stopped in our tracks. "Put your hands up, nice and slow." One of the cops commanded. "Please, this is a misunderstanding." I said. "We got a call. One of the neighbors heard a girl scream "Help." And you're flooding the scene." The cop replied. "That was me, sorry." I spoke up. "Care to explain? The other cop added.

I looked at Awsten who shook is head side to side. "We were all playing hide and go seek. He grabbed me from behind and I screamed since I didn't know it was him." I said pointing at Awsten. "Is that what happened?" The cop asked Awsten. "Yes." He replied.

"No, it's not." Otto spoke. My heart jumped. "Oh?" The cop turned his head to look at Otto. I stepped on on his foot making him shut up. "What happened?" The cop asked Otto. "We we're playing TAG not hide and go seek." Otto lied. "It doesn't matter." The cop sighed.

"Look, since there is no evidence that what you are saying is a lie. We won't take you to the station but we will be exploring the campground when backup arrives." The cop said putting away his gun. "When will that be? How many cops are going to show up?" Awsten asked. I gave him a weird look. "That's none of your concern." The cop said getting in the car along with the other. They then drove off.

"Why did you lie?!" Otto yelled grabbing my arms. "Don't touch her." Awsten said pulling me behind him. I felt my cheeks go pink. "Awsten, she just lied to the cop's. Their is a dead body AND murderer out there! Why didn't you guys tell him the truth?!" Otto yelled again slamming his foot on the ground. "Look, they would have made us the main suspect's." Awsten pointed out. "Who cares?! We didn't do anything so they couldn't accuse us!" Otto yelled at Awsten.

"Boys, please stop." I said butting into the argument. "This was your fault. If you didn't go outside this wouldn't have happened!" Otto yelled pushing me to the ground. I groan from the pain. Awsten looked at me with sadness in his eyes then angry when he turned to Otto. "She deserved it." Otto said getting into Awstens face.

Awsten didn't say anything but he did something to Otto. "AWSTEN!" Geoff yelled trying to rip off Awsten's hands from Otto's neck. He wasn't listening. "Awsten." I said in the softest voice I could. He let go of Otto dropping him to the ground. Otto was gasping for air. "Why did you do that?!" Otto yelled kicking Awsten's ankle. "Otto, stop. Let's go." Geoff said grabbing Otto going back to the rv leaving me and Awsten alone.

"(Y/N)." He whispered falling to the ground wrapping his arms around me. "I'm so sorry ." I could hear the crying in his voice. "It's okay. I'm here, I'm okay." I said hugging back. "He hurt you. I got angry, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any harm. I just lost my temper." Awsten cried into my shoulder. "Hey, hey. It's okay, thank you for helping me." I said backing away from the hug but still inches from his face.

We didn't say anything. We just looked at each other. I could see the love in his eyes as he saw the love in mine. "I love you." He whispered. I looked away, staying silent. I didn't love Awsten, we didn't really know each other since he stayed silent for most of the years. "Let's go back to the rv." I smiled. "I don't want to be near Otto." He whispered starting to cry again. "Hey, okay that's fine." I said not knowing where to go.

"There are some cabins near, they just got shut down so it should be safe." Awsten said helping me off the dirt ground.

"Thank you." I smiled.
"Let's go." He smiled back grabbing my hand, leading me into the dark woods.

(A/N): I'm so sorry for not updating!! I've had my final exams so I've been writing this chapter for a couple days. I will update a lot more when exams are over. Have a lovely day!

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