Part fifteen

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A/N: Hi! Real quick, I have to add a trigger warning for this part. I decided to write this chapter in Awsten's pov so you can kinda see what happens on his side. (The big bold letters are his voices.) <Trigger warning- psychotic thoughts.> Now with that out of the way, enjoy!

Awsten's point of view:

(Y/N), That girl. She's something else, maybe as crazy as me? I'm definitely driving her off the edge. Not enough, hurt her. Shut up, can you leave me alone for one second? Geoff is alive, kill him. Make him suffer. Stop, that's totally off subject. Just let me think alone.

"Awsten." I looked up to see the guard staring down at me. He was in his thirties, brown hair and brown eyes. Typical guy. "Yes handsome?" I joked. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, clearly not amused. "You have a visitor." He rolled his eyes and went to open the door. "Thank you, Malcom." I gave him a big fake smile.

(Y/N), please be her. Chill, it's not. She won't visit me until after my court date. When we are free? Maybe, we could still die.

"Awsten?" I looked to see Travis in a black suit and a briefcase in his right hand. Guy with (Y/N), more then friends? Screw off, just until he leaves. "Hey, Travis!" I smiled walking over to him. He took a step back. "Aww, I don't bite." I laughed, he looked terrified. "Is (Y/N) here?" I asked. "No, it's just me. Sorry to disappoint." He smiled at me.

Fake smile. Smash his head in that stupid briefcase. Jesus, shut up. No, he's after (Y/N). He's gonna hurt her, hurt him. "Shut up! No he isn't, leave me alone! I told you to get out until he leaves! Can't you listen?!" I yelled hitting my own head. "You okay?" Travis asked taking a step close to me. "Back off!" I yelled, I slammed my head into the desk near my bed. Pain took over. I screamed and fell to the ground, holding my head.

"Guard! There's something wrong with him!" Travis yelled pounding on the door. I saw Malcom rush up to me. "Awsten! Hey, calm down! The voices can't hurt you, we're not here to hurt you. Take a deep breath." Malcom helped me up and layed me down on my bed. I instantly felt better.

"Sorry, what were you saying Travis?" I asked with a chuckle. Malcom left and closed the door, saying something to Travis that I couldn't hear. That bothered me. "So, Awsten. Let's talk about (Y/N)." Travis smirked, he grabbed my chair at my desk and pulled it right next to the red line. I can touch anything within the line, anything across from it I can not harm.

He sat in the seat and set down his briefcase on the right side of him on the ground. "Why?" I asked. "I don't believe her. She told me that you and her were just good friends. I see more then that." He grabbed a tape recorder out of his suit pocket and sat it on the ground to his left side, he then pressed play. I felt on edge.

"I mean, we are good friends. If we weren't, she would gladly see my die." I smiled sitting criss cross on my bed, facing him. He sighed. "I know you guys are good friends. But was there ever a time where you felt you were more then that? He asked again, crossing his legs.

"I don't have to answer this." I said stretching my right leg out. "You're right, you don't to, but I know you want to. You deeply care for (Y/N), why is that?" I took a deep breath, he was right. I wanted to answer and talk about her. "We were more then friends at a time. We've kissed, but that's it." I sighed, realizing how much I missed that. "Is that all? Just a kiss?" He asked. "That's private, only between me and (Y/N)." I laughed, knowing she would never let me.

He made a weird face at me. "Now, Travis. Let me ask you a question." I chuckled, now stretching out my left leg. "Excuse me?" He replied, annoyance in his voice. "How do you feel about (Y/N)? I mean she said you guys were friends! But the way you defended her yesterday, it seemed as if you like her." I smirked, knowing I was getting to him.

"She's nothing but my client. I protected her, because I didn't want you to hurt her and cause me trouble with your case." He responded, scratching the left side of his head. "Okay. You may leave now." I said shooing him away. It's hard to do that when your hands are chained together. "You caused (Y/N) a lot of pain and most likely ptsd. Don't you feel bad about that?" Screw this, he's too good at questioning.

"As she has said, I have a twisted way of love! I don't know how to protect and love something without harming it!" I started getting angry, I felt the voices coming back. "So, you admit it? You're in love with (Y/N)?" Travis asked. He was under my skin. He was a little bug I needed to squish.

Hurt him, he made you angry. He's going to hurt (Y/N). Protect her, keep her safe. "Shut up!" I yelled at myself. "I would recommend you get going. If you stay for one more minute I will probably get loose from these chains and kill you." I started laughing like crazy. I was losing it. I need to harm something, myself or someone else. "Travis, go!" I yelled again. He looked terrified. God, I love when they look like that.

Travis grabbed his briefcase and tape recorder. He then ran out of the room closing the door. Malcom then came in. "They're back." Was all I said until my hands started shaking. "(Y/N), I need her. Where is she? Is she safe? Answer me Malcom!" I yelled getting in his face. "Awsten, calm down." He said softly grabbing my wrist, trying to stop my shaking.

"Please, I need to see her. I need her happy smile." "Are you, are you crying?" Malcom asked, he has never seen me cry. He's only seen me insane. "I love her, she's my everything. She helps me keep sane, I know it doesn't seem like it but it's true. I need her with me, Malcom I need her." I let my head fall into my lap. (Y/N), come now. We need (Y/N). Awsten, we need her! Shut up, I know. But we don't get everything we want or need.

"I'll try my best to find her." He sighed. "What? I thought you hated me?" I said looking up at him. "I do, Awsten. I really do, but if it makes you calm down. I'll try to find (Y/N)." Malcom said walking over to the door. My heart felt full. I haven't felt this happy in a while.

"Awsten, wake up." I groaned, pulling the blanket over my head. "Go away whoever you are." I said, burring my face in my pillow. "Get up or you're going to miss your court date!" I pulled the blanket down, only
reveling my green eyes.

"Good morning Malcom." I said with a yawn falling behind it. "Good morning, now get up." He said snatching the blanket off of me. Tired, go away. "I know." I whispered. "Come on, we need to get you dressed and ready."

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