Part Ten

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Pain filled my neck, back, and mind. "God." I whispered trying to rub my eyes. "What the?" I open my eyes to see a basement and Otto passed out tied to a chair. I forgot, Awsten knocked me out, lovely.

I looked at Otto to see his face severely beaten and a baseball bat with blood covering it with teeth. No sign of Awsten anywhere. Where did he go? When did he go? Is he coming back? He probably just let us here to die. Wait, is he going to Geoff? How far is he then? Or it could be five minutes away.  Whatever, none of that matters. I need to help Otto.

I look around the room to find something that could cut me free from these chains. The shelf of supplies were right next to me, but he made sure I couldn't reach them. "Okay, maybe someone will hear me. Someone has too." I whispered. "Help!!" I yelled. I can't count how many times I screamed and kicked the wall. "Help! Help! Someone!" I yelled to the top of my lungs.

How I hoped someone was on a walk and heard me, Otto and I would be saved, we would find Geoff, Awsten would go to prison, but that would be the end of WaterParks. The fans would be crushed that Awsten was a murderer. Ha, kinda funny. Disturbing my thoughts a groan filled the room.

My head turned so fast, a muscle pulled in my neck, but that didn't matter. "Otto!" I yelled. He coughed, a bit of blood came out. "(Y/N)?" His voice came a little bit above a whisper. "Yes, I'm here." I laughed a little. "Where is he?" He asked lifting his head up. His face was horrifying. Black eye, bloody, his right check puffed a little bit. "Your face.." I whispered. "Where is he, (Y/N)?" "I don't know. I woke up and he was gone."

"What are you doing?! Find someway to escape and free me!" Otto yelled with a chuckle. I nodded my head. I looked around. There was a bottle of lotion on the bottom shelf. I knocked the bottle over with my foot. "That's going to hurt bad." Otto laughed. "I know, but it's something." I use my foot to slide the lotion over to me. When it's close to me I grab it with my mouth and pop the top open. "Yuck." I spit trying to get the little bit of lotion out of my mouth. He chuckled. "I'm sorry if I yell too loud." "It's okay." I put the lotion in my hands and pour it on them, making them slippery. I then start to squeeze my hands through the small holes of the chains. I scream as loud as I could. The pain was unbearable, but it would waste time if I stop. 

Otto insisted to take the bag, but after arguing that he was not in the right condition, I carried it. "Okay, let's go." We head to the little door in front of three stairs. I helped Otto climb them. "Here we go." I say with a huge smile. As I try to open the door, it stopped. I swear up and down. "Calm down, potty mouth. There has to be a key somewhere." Otto step down the stars to look. "If there was a key, Awsten most likely took it with him." I pointed out. "Or he would have a second set?" He laughed holding up a key that was under a flower pot. "Well, isn't that grand." I chuckled. 

As I opened the door it was evening. The sun had just started setting, it was beautiful. It made me think of all of the shows the boy's put on. It always came out great in pictures with Awsten in focus, god I miss those times. "(Y/N), come on!" Otto yelled pulling me. "Shh! Awsten could be anywhere. We need to be quite." 

As we walked to god knows where the sky grew dark. "Ow!" He yelled. "What?" I whispered. "I walked into a stupid tree." I laughed. "Be careful. "Oh, screw you. It's dark." He was right, we've been walking for an hour and it's pitch black. "Okay, let's set up camp and call it a night." I sighed putting the bag down. "What?! No! Awsten could find us while we're sleeping and kidnap us again!" Otto did have a point. "Well, then what do you want to do?" I asked sitting down. He paused for a moment. "Do you have your phone?" He asked. I gave him a "Are you fricking serious right now?" look. "Of course I have my phone! But the police won't help us so that's why we're walking trying to find people!" He gave me a confused look. 

"Of course I don't have it, you idiot!" I yelled. "We need to run." "What?" I sighed face palming. I looked around to see a flashlight  coming through the trees. "What if it's a cop? You guys are famous, people are most likely looking for you guys." I smiled. "(Y/N), are you insane?! it's Awsten! it has to be!" As the figure stepped more towards us I saw a reflection of green hair. My heart dropped, it felt like it was going to fall out of my butt. "You're right, we need to run now." I whispered grabbing the bag and Otto's arm.

"Who's there?!" The voice yelled. Otto and I ran as fast as we could, not paying attention to all the noise we were making. "Stop!" The voice yelled again. We didn't listen, and kept running. We started to hear running behind us. "It's Awsten, It's Awsten." Tears filled my eyes. No, we made it this far please anything make Awsten stop, but that's not how this story goes. A loud gunshot and a scream filled the air. Otto fell to the ground holding his left leg. "Otto!" I screamed running to his side trying to pick him up. "(Y/N), (Y/N) stop." Otto whispered through tears. "No, no we made it this far. We can do this, please Otto no." I cried into his chest. "Otto?" A voice whispered with a shaky breath. I looked up to see Awsten with horror in his eyes and a black pistol in his right hand. 

A loud gunshot and a scream filled the air. Otto fell to the ground holding his left leg. "Otto!" I screamed running to his side trying to pick him up. "(Y/N), (Y/N) stop." Otto whispered through tears. "No, no we made it this far. We can do this, please Otto no." I cried into his chest. "Otto?" A voice whispered with a shaky breath. I looked up to see Awsten with horror in his eyes and a black pistol in his right"Awsten Knight, can you not be so selfish? Otto can die at anytime! If it helps I'll cover for you! Just, save him!" I sobbed. "Wheres the backpack?" Awsten asked. "What?" "Where is the backpack?!" I get startled by his change of voice. I pointed to the bag on the ground. Awsten unzipped it and took out rubbing alcohol, and thick bandages. 

"You're not serious?" I scoffed. "What else do you want me to do?" "Call nine none-one idiot!" "This wouldn't have happened if you didn't try to escape!" "Oh, wow. This wouldn't have happened if you were a murderer!" "Love birds, please! I'm dying, do whatever that will help me!" Otto yelled breaking up me and Awsten's fight. "If you were in good shape, I would punch you in the face right now." I growled at Otto. "Nice to know." He winked. "Now, who's the love birds?" Awsten mumbled.

"Awsten, why did you do that?" I asked still holding Otto close as he tried not to scream from the pain. "Do what?" He poured the alcohol onto the wound which made Otto squeezed my hand. "All of this. Killing that girl, killing that boy, beating Otto, hiding Geoff, and loving me." He stayed quite. "I-" Awsten was caught off by two blinding flashlights. "Freeze! Put your hands in the air nice and slow!" A man yelled. Awsten stood up and turned around to face the two men. "Put the gun down, now! We will shoot!" Another voice yelled. "Awsten, put it down!" I yelled, but he didn't listen. I felt powerless, everything went slow. My throat closed up and my vision went blurry. I could only hear muffle voices. I could see Otto come close to my right ear. "Escape, do it for me. Run far away and find Geoff, he's somewhere near lake that's all I know. I'm sorry that this happened and I'm sorry for pushing you again. Goodbye, (Y/N) thank you for being my best friend." Otto kissed my cheek and ran out of my arms, he screamed in pain. 

"Otto, move!"

I reach my hand to grab his, but I missed just by an inch. "No, Otto don't." I whispered. I fell to the ground not having enough energy to sit. "Please, don't leave Otto. I can't be alone."A single gun shot filled the empty woods. I could hear muffle screams. The last of my vision let me see Otto's lifeless body laying on the dirty dirt. We almost made it, please Otto don't be gone. I need you, I can't be alone. I'm sorry for not being able to save you.

I'm sorry.


A/N: I AM SORRY, I AM SO SO SORRY. I love Otto so much and it broke me to write this:( but I had no idea what should happen in this part so this happened. Also I am so sorry for the delay, I'm gonna write these on my computer and it is so much easier so the new part should be up sometime next week! Each week will have a new part. Have a good day/night :)

Future update like four days after: I literally spent an hour copying and pasting this whole fricking part and texting it to myself so I could paste it here. AND I COME HERE AND SOMEHOW IT IS ALL HERE WHAT

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