Part twenty

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Your point of view:

I woke up with a horrible headache, it was throbbing terribly. I groan and pulled the covers over my head to block the light of the sun.

What happened? All I remember is that I passed out, but I had to move myself to my bed. How does that make sense? Ringing then filled my head, blocking my thoughts. I quickly cover my ears, the noise was killing my head. I realized it was coming from the phone, man I must be hungover.

"Hello?" I answered placing the phone to my right ear. "I'm sorry if I woke you, but I'm coming over in a little bit. You might want to start getting ready." Travis said, sounding like he was in a rush. "Travis, what the heck?" I groaned rubbing my eyes. "I'll be there in fifteen minutes, go get ready." He then hung up.

I did as he said and got out of bed, first closing the curtains so the room would be dark. I tried to make myself look better, but it's hard when you're not taking care of yourself. But hey, I think I look presentable. Well, for the position I'm in.

I let out a huge sigh and fell, knowing my bed would catch me. I pulled a small blanket over me and stared at the ceiling, letting my eyes close.

"(Y/N)!" I hear a voice yell from outside. I jump up and run to the front door opening it. "Hey, Travis!" I said not looking to who was infront of me. I didn't get a response. I looked up to see who it was. The devi knocked on my door and was standing right infront of me.

"Awsten." I whispered stumbling back. "Hey." He responded stepping into my apartment. "Get the hell out!' I screamed throwing a cusion at him. "(Y/N), (Y/N)." He stepped closer to me. My anxiety was high and my body started getting tense.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled running to my room and locking the door. I heard his footstep's coming closer to me. "Please, open the door." He sighed. "No, leave or I'm calling the police and they will gladly throw you back in prison." I threatened stepping away from the door, putting my back against the wall.

"Look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did to you. I shouldn't have used you." My eyes went wide. I unlocked the door to see him standing right across from me. "What do you mean, using me?" I asked feeling the sadness following over me. "We need to talk."

He sat on the office chair that was by the bed. That's weird, I don't remember putting it there. I sat on the bed letting my legs dangle off the bed so I could face him. "What do you mean by you were using me?" I asked squeezing the blanket I was sitting on. He sighed. "Before the court session, I stopped feeling things for you. But I could tell you still felt things for me." I felt the anger taking over me.

He sighed again. "But I didn't want to tell you, because I was afraid of you getting mad at me and then letting me die. So, I pretended to love you. I used you to save my own life. My voices, they made me stop feeling love. They told me to stop feeling for you and that you were a waste of time. I never believed that, but I made myself think I did so the voices would leave. After the session, I realized I was still in love with you. That's why I kissed you, then I started getting help. The voices went away so I could control how I feel."

"I wanted you so bad after they left. But I started thinking how happy you were before you met me. I wanted to see you with that same happiness you had before. That's why I let you go, but I saw that you were going through more pain. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

We sat in silence for a little bit. I didn't know how to respond to that. All I felt was anger, I wanted to explode.. and I did..

I stood up and slapped him across the face. He looked shocked, but then started laughing. "You psycho!" I yelled grabbing the colour of his black shirt. "Why didn't you just tell me?! Do you know how easy that would have been?!" I screamed getting in his face. He didn't respond. "You really don't have anything to say?!" "I'm sorry." He said looking up at me with tears falling from his eyes. "I don't want an apology." I said in a harsh tone.

"I don't have anything but that to give you." He said still looking at me. I let go of his shirt and got off of him. "Why did you ever have to love me?" I asked feeling my anger going away and my sadness replacing it. He stood up from the chair and stepped closer to me. "(Y/N), I still do." He pulled me into a hug. I then pushed him off of me. "I really hate you." "Yeah, I really hate me too."

" So, I guess you really don't want to see me again?" "Awsten, I." I fell to the ground, hiding my face in the palm of my hands. "Ever since you left. I've been waiting to die. I know it's selfish, but without you I feel like I have nothing. I hate that I can't be with you. I don't want to see you in hospitals, I want to see you like you are right now. I don't want to leave, I can't leave. I don't want to die and I can't leave Geoff alone like I have been." I cried at his feet. This must be so pitiful.

Awsten crouched to my level and put his hands on my shoulders. I looked up at him. He didn't say anything but pulled me into an embrace. I hugged back and buried my head in his chest. We didn't exchanged words, we just sat there on the floor.

The sound of him quietly breathing filled my ears. "You're my everything." He whispered kissing my cheek. I then hugged him tighter. "That's cliche." I sighed with a small chuckle. "I mean, yeah. Sorry, I'm trying." 

"I'm tired." He sighed standing up. "Yeah, I am too." I said with a little yawn following behind it. "I'm just gonna crash here." Awsten then fell onto my bed. "That's fine." I said falling right next to him. He pulled the covers over us and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry." Was all I heard until I fell asleep.

A/N: I'm so fricking sorry for not updating in like four days and this part being short😭 I've been trying to work on this cause I got a huge idea but like it has to lead up to it so I'm working really hard and my family has just been yikes so I'm trying to fix that🙄 anyways I hope you enjoyed! Take care of yourself 💚

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