Part twelve

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(A/N): Please forgive me if I get some court stuff wrong, I'm just going off of things I've seen on tv shows and whatever comes to my head.


After visiting Awsten, he got into my head. Anything I hear or I see reminds of him. It's like I'm trapped in a room and he is the only other person there. I'm always a person of my word, so I do have to help him. I mean, I don't have to, but he doesn't deserve to die, he needs help. I need a lawyer and a court date. The police never asked me what happened or my side of the story; how could they already have him on death roe? I went to a nearby pay phone and called a taxi to take me to the claims court.

"I need a lawyer." I said holding my hands together. An older man with a bald head sat on the other side of the desk adjusting his small round glasses. "Please, have a seat." He moved his hand to show the small sofa chair. I plopped down and took a deep breath. "I need a lawyer." I said again, still holding my hands. He chuckled. "Why do you need a one?" He asked taking out a stack of papers and a black pen. "This sounds crazy, but I was a witness of a murderer, or I was a victim." His eyes went a little wide. "Of what killer?" He took off his glasses and grabbed a cloth from his suit pocket and started whipping the lenses. "Awsten Knight." I bluntly said. "The one on death roe?" He asked putting his glasses back on. "Yes, I kinda need to bail him out." I sighed, pulling my hair behind my ears.

"That's crazy. Why do you want that man free?" "I knew him before everything. I want him to get help and the police didn't even call me in or asked me anything!" I started getting annoyed. "You need a lawyer." The man said, I smiled. He picked up the phone on his desk and called someone saying to get a guy named Travis. He then hung up the phone with a grin. "Good news, I got you the best of the best. He used to be an author, but became a lawyer. His name is Travis, Travis Riddle. If there are any issues, please let me know." I nodded and shook the mans hand.

After waiting in the waiting room for what felt like an hour, a average height man with brown hair in a black suit came in. He was holding a briefcase in his right hand and looking at the watch on his left wrist. He looked up to the room. He then went to the counter. He said something to the lady that made her look up. She nodded and pointed to me. He mouthed out a, "thank you." He looked at me and smiled. "Are you (Y/N) (L/N)?" He asked holding his hands together like I was. "Oh, yes. That's me." I smiled. "I'm Travis Riddle, your lawyer." He grinned and put his hand out for me to shake. I stood up and shook it. "Thank you so much, it's very good to meet you Mr. Riddle." "Please, call me Travis."

After talking to Travis for a bit, he gave me a ride to the police station, the one that arrested Awsten. "You ready?" He asked. "I guess so." I took a deep breath and got out of the car, he followed. We started walking to the entrance. "You don't have to answer any questions if you get too much stress or anxiety." Travis said holding the door open for me. "Thank you." I responded. The station was any normal station, there was pictures on the wall of wanted people with their picture and crimes. There was a different wall for people on death roe. Travis went up to the counter to talk to the police man about me. I walked up to the death roe board. There he was, the first one to be seen. Awsten was giving the camera that bright smile. I could imagine him getting yelled at by smiling, but he kept doing it so they had to use that one.

Seeing his picture up there, it made me feel nauseous and anxious. I wish I could tear it down and everything go away. I would wake up in the rv with the guys and the boys would do their next show and Awsten would talk to me and we would all go watch a scary movie in the hotel and build a blanket fort and order food. I miss those nights, if I were to not leave the rv that night, Geoff and Otto would still be alive. Oh my god, I'm the reason they're dead. Even if I did leave, I didn't have to scream when I saw the corpse. They would have still been asleep and we would have never knew it was Awsten. If I did something different, none of this would have happened. It's my fault.

"(Y/N)." Travis put his hand on my shoulder, making me jump. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He said taking his hand away. "No, I'm sorry. Just was deep in thoughts." I sighed. "Okay, well the police would love to see you." I nodded and followed him into the questioning room. There were two police men standing in the room. One had black hair and a short black beard, and the other had no beard and brown hair. The brown haired was heavy set while the black haired was close to skinny. "Hello, miss. (L/N). My name is officer Henson and his name is officer Wilson." The black haired said pointing to the brown haired. I smiled and shook their hands.

"Please have a seat." Wilson said. I sat down in the chair near the see through window, where I guess other people could watch but no one was there. Travis stood in the back of the room with a notepad and pencil. And the two police men sat across from me and sat their notebooks on the stone table.

"Okay, (Y/N) we are going to ask you questions of what happened during the days that Awsten took you." Henson said. I nodded. "Did you know Awsten before everything happened?" I nodded, "yes." They wrote something in their notebooks. "Did you see any corpse's?" "I saw a teenage girl stuffed in a trash bag, at the campgrounds. That was the first one, and then there was a little boy hanging from a tree near the cabins. I know these were both down by Awsten. And, my best friend Otto. I don't know if Awsten killed him, I passed out when it happened."

After many questions about what happened, I was finished. "Thank you so much, and we are sorry we didn't asked you these things sooner." Wilson said with a smile. I shook both of their hands and left the station. I got into the passengers side of Travis's black car. "You did great." He said starting the car. "Thank you." I sighed. "What's your address? So I can drop you off." Anxiety filled me. "Um, well the thing is. I was always on tour with the boys so I don't really have a place to stay." I rubbed my left arm. "It's fine, I can get you a small apartment and my boss can pay the rent for a few months until you get a job." Travis said pulling out his phone. "Really? Thank you so much, but can we make a quick stop somewhere?"

"My lovely (Y/N)! It's so good to see you again." Awsten smiled, his eyes were so bright. I smiled at him. "I can't stay long, so I need to tell you somethings." I sighed sitting down on the floor. "Why are you upset?" He asked with a sad look on his face. "I'm just stressed. Look, I got a lawyer and he is going to help me bail you out. I did my questions with the police so all I need is a court date then boom! Hopefully you will be out of here." A huge smile came on his face, god when he smiles it makes you smile no matter how much you hate him. "Really? That's awesome! Thank you, thank you so much darling." Awsten jumped a little up and down. "Of course." I smiled. "I should get going, I need to sign the papers for my new place. I'll visit when I have more news." I got off the floor and headed to the door. "No kiss this time?" He asked like a child. I didn't reply.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked, I could hear the sadness in his voice. "Of course I am! You killed my best friends and ruined everything! But I love you, I don't understand why I still love you! After everything you've done!" I put my face in my hands, feeling the angry tears coming. I didn't want him to see me cry, he would know the effects he has on me. "Do you know why I didn't talk to you for all those years?" He asked with a big sigh. "Awsten, what does that have to do with anything right now?" I replied getting frustrated. "Do you wanna know?" He asked again. "Fine." I responded crossing my arms. "I was planning to kill you. I felt this way toward you that I didn't understand. I know now, it was love but I never felt that way before so I was confused. I thought getting rid of you would help, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. That's why I killed that random girl at the campsite, I had to get that tenstion out of me, I needed to hurt someone but I couldn't hurt you. I don't feel anything when I kill people, but just imaging me even slicing a little cut in your hand, I couldn't do it. So, I just wanted to love you. That's why I took you away to the cabins. I wanted us to be alone and for me to just love you. I'm sorry that I lied before, I didn't know how you were going to take it."

Nothing ran through me, my brain couldn't process what Awsten had said.

"No kiss this time." I said with no emotion. The guard opened the door for me and I walked out. Not looking at the what people thought was a dream boy. I chuckled. Awsten was right, he never promised me my dream boy.


(A/N): FANDOM IS OUT!! It's so GOOD, but ughhh I wish Awsten didn't swear so much lol, but that's his choice! Of course for this chapter and like the rest of the book I had to add the main boy TRAVIS. Sorry, for the wait, school is TRASH. Okay, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Have a good day!

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