Part twenty three

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"Travis, no." I said breaking away from the hug. "We have to protect you from him. He took you and I didn't even know! (Y/N), he's dangerous. He will hurt you." Travis said with a sigh, rubbing his eyes.

"He won't! The only reason he killed people is because he thought they were going to hurt me! Why would he do any harm if that's the reason he killed? He was protecting me in a twisted way." I said looking down at the dirty ground.

"(Y/N), you will be better off without him." He said gently grabbing my wrist. "Better off without him?! The last time we were apart I almost died, Travis! I need him, as crazy as it is!" I yelled yanking my wrist away from him. I start walking away, I don't care if I get lost. I want to be alone.

"(Y/N)! Wait!" I heard Travis yell. I ignore him and kept walking to god knows where.

The wind started blowing, making all the dead leaves from the trees fall. It was breathtaking. It seemed like they were dancing around me, trying to bring me comfort.

They started going in a different direction. It seemed like they were telling me to follow them, but that's impossible. But I just kidnapped by a serial killer, so this isn't so crazy. I start walking in the direction they were going. The area started looking familiar, but not in a good way.

The leaves then fell to the ground, leaving me lost. I look around where they had lead me.

I realized where I was and fell to the ground, letting out everything I was holding in. It was where I last saw Otto, where I could have saved him if I grabbed his hand. "It's my fault." I hit the ground with my fist. "You hear that Awsten?! It's my fault he's dead!" I yelled to the sky, I then felt myself start laughing.

"I could have saved him! I wish I saved his life instead of yours!" I screamed letting the tears fall, not caring to wipe them away. "He deserved to live, you don't." I looked at the ground, something grabbed my attention.

I got up and walked closer to it, it was a usb stick. "What? How is this out here?" I asked no one. I picked it up and saw there was something written on it. "Slumber party?" I read out loud like it was a question. Is this.. Otto's? No, it couldn't be, but who else would be in these woods? I put the usb in my pocket and sat down, putting my back against a tree.

"I shouldn't have yelled at Travis." I sighed, putting my head in my hands. "I shouldn't have beat up Awsten." I was waiting for an emotion to show up, but I felt nothing. I felt empty, or I felt guilt but that was it. I guess Awsten's plan is working.

"(Y/N)!" I turned my head to see Travis out of breath. "What are you doing here?" He asked trying to collect his breath. "I kinda stumbled upon it." I said avoiding eye contact. "Come on, let's get you home." He said walking toward me. "No, I can't go home." I said standing up from all of the ground. "Where to then?"

Travis drove me to the hospital so I could see Geoff. I heard he was recovering nicely, but I still felt guilty for not being there for him.

I walk into the room to see him laying in the hospital bed watching tv. He didn't even notice me come in. "Hey nerd." I said walking up to him. He turned his head and gasped when he saw me.
"(Y/N)!" He yelled with a huge smile. I laughed and gave him a hug. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah! Why?" I said acting dumb.

"Why? Awsten took you! I was so worried and angry that I couldn't do anything." He sighed. He reached for the tv remote and turned the channel on mute. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I hit rock bottom and seeing you in this stupid bed, I thought it would make it worse. That was selfish of me." I said sitting down on the chair next to the bed.

"It's okay, Travis kept me company. He's cool, but not as cool as you." He laughed giving me a wink. I roll my eyes but smile. "So, where is Awsten?" He asked rubbing his eyes with the bottom of his hands. "They won't tell me." I sighed.

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