Part nineteen

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A/N: Sorry for the little heartbreak in the last part! Anyways, *Trigger warning: alcohol abuse*

It's been about a week after I cried my heart out to Travis. He dropped me off at home and told me he would visit at the end of the week.

I've officially hit rock bottom. I stopped caring for myself and I've been drinking every night. I haven't visited Geoff since I last saw Awsten. I know I should, but seeing him makes me think of that day. I don't like to think of what happened, but somehow I always remember it.

I tried to visit Awsten the next day to talk to him and try to work things out. But when I went to the desk, I was denied. I thought he was being dramatic about not seeing me ever again, but I guess he was serious. The woman tried to help. She's not just the receptionist, but she's also their basically therapist.

But she doesn't have a degree. Basically if they want or need to talk to someone she's the one they go to. She told me that Awsten misses me horribly. She even asked him, "Why don't you talk to (Y/N) and try to work things out?" His response was, "That will only hurt her. She needs to move on and I need to also." I cried right there when she told me.

I know she feels bad and wants to help, but I stopped going to the hospital. I haven't seen her in over two days. I don't plan on going back. If I can't see Awsten then what's the point? If I could go back in time, I would tell myself not to talk to WaterParks at that music festival. I never should have told them I was a photographer, then they wouldn't have ever invited me on tour with them. I would go home and be the photographer of another band.

I wouldn't have ever started feeling things for Awsten. I'm so selfish, Otto would have been alive and Geoff wouldn't be stuck in a hospital. Awsten would have met another girl that could keep him sane, unlike me. I'm the reason he snapped. If I never went with them, he wouldn't have snapped the way he did. He hurt Otto and Geoff, because he thought they were going to hurt me.

I decided to stop thinking. I go to the kitchen and grab a bottle of wine. I chug it as I start crying. "Yeah, I would be better if I moved on, but I can't. Awsten was keeping me together, now I'm just. I don't know how I feel! Angry? Sad? I don't know!" I yelled to myself. I fell to the wooden floors and curled up into a ball.

I eventually fell over. I felt my eyes closing, I tried to keep them open but they closed.  The last thing I saw was the tan ceiling.

Travis point of view:

I pull up in the drive way of (Y/N)s apartment. I told her I was going to visit at the end of the week, but I'm worried about her. She hasn't been acting right and hasn't visited Geoff.

I put my car in park and walk up to the door. I knock two times. There was no answer. "(Y/N)! It's Travis!" I yelled. Still no answer. I then take out the spare key I have and put it in the door lock. I unlocked it and went in. "(Y/N), it's Travis." I said walking into the living room. Where is she?

I walk into the kitchen and see her on the floor. There was an almost empty bottle of wine next to her. Oh god, (Y/N). What have you done? "(Y/N)!" I yelled shaking her. "Wake up!" I yelled again. I gently picked her up and carried her to her bedroom.

I opened the door and layed her down on the bed. I grabbed the black office chair and pulled it next to the bed and sat down. I then shook her a little. Awsten really hurt her, huh.

I saw she slowly started opening her eyes. "Twavis?" She said, making a w sound then a r sound. "Hey." I smiled. "You're not wearing a suit." She said rubbing her eyes. I guess she hasn't ever seen me without a suit. I was wearing just a white t shirt and black jeans. "I guess I'm not." I laughed. "Come closer." She said, putting her arms out toward me. I looked at her with a confused face, but I did what she said.

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