Chapter 13

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I didn't even have time to change into my costume as I slid on my mask and scaled the fire escape of the next-door building, using the height to trail after the police cars and short-cut across Gotham City. The Bat-Signal blazed across the moonlit sky, a beacon for the bat himself. I couldn't help the jealousy that coursed through me at how much recognition he obtained. Then again, it wouldn't be a good thing if I had recieved that much praise, being a teenage girl I knew that would've gone to my head. Instead, I ignored the blinding signal and focused on the loud wails and flashing lights of the GCPD cars below, screaming as they rushed down the streets and towards their location. My feet carried me over the rooftops, gaining momentum as the rhythmic pitter patter of my boots slapped against the even rooftoops. I hopped onto the next roof, the impact of landing hardly fazing me as I duck-and-rolled before continuing onwards. I could tell I was nearing the location as the lights grew louder and a different alarm resounded through the thick night air. I followed the cars until the buildings ran out, and I hopped down a nearby fire escape and followed on the streets. 

The scent of salty sea water alerted me that we were near the shore and as I saw the beach, I realized exactly where I was headed.

Arkham Asylum.

The pieces fell in place as the looming building greeted my wide eyes, the wrought iron fence casting an eerie shadow over the incoming cars, an ominous warning of what was to come. And as the sound of gunshots and mad cackling encompassed the noise of sirens, I knew that I was unprepared for the biggest fight I'd have yet.

A jail break.

Without a second thought, I ran into the fray. I knew this merited a death wish, but really, what more did I have to live for? If I were to die, it'd be for the cause I cared for most. And with that thought I greeted the first escaped inmate. I knew better than to start with the big fish, so this was the average, run-of-the-mill psychopath. One kick to the side of the head sent him to the ground, unconcious. I smiled and stepped over his limp body, advancing to the more notorious criminals. The outfit I was wearing was very restricting-- a mistake I knew would bite me some time in the night-- and I was wary of who I was fighting. I had only ever fought in the Fox costume, so wearing a skirt and jacket were clothes I was unfamiliar with.

"Look who we have here? You really should get back in the kitchen, it's dangerous out here," a nasally voice commented and I turned around to face the crook. He smirked, showcasing his yellow and crooked teeth while his two prison-mates laughed alongside him Grinding my teeth, I shook off the comment and ran towards him, punching his face. Immediately my hand ignited in a burst of pain and I gasped in shock. Obviously that had caused more damage to me than to him, judging by the amused laugh and the fact he hardly even recoiled. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up so I was looking into his bloodshot eyes.

"Oh? The little girl wants to play?" he said and I scowled, feet dangling a few inches off the ground. Sizing him up, I swung my body to gain momentum until my feet were able to touch his broad build. I used this as leverage to walk up his body and kick off his face, twisting my wrist free and I flipped and landed  shakily on the ground in front of him. Based on his aggravated expression, I knew that had hurt considerably more than the punch. He lunged for me and I ducked away from his enlarged hands and kicked him, with my steel-toed boots, where the sun didn't shine. ALmost rhythmically he curled up in a painful ball, grasping at the inflicted area in hopes of easing the pain. His friends were in shock as I kicked his face none-too-gently and ensured he was down for at least a little while longer.

Finally his friends seemed to realize their leader was down and immediately advanced on me, sinister smirks lighting up their ugly, scarred faces. They took menacing steps towards me, and I swore I could feel the ground quaking under my feet.I sidestepped the first man as he tried to ram into me, but I couldn't help but be nicked in the shoulder. I stumbled over my feet and skidded on the concrete, the knees of my leggings ripping from the friction. I hissed out air through my teeth. doing my best not to cry out in pain. A laugh sounded above me and I glanced up at the two faces who leered down at me. Before they could react, I somersalted between one of their legs' and kicked him behind. Since he was smaller than their unconscious leader, he fell down on his face with a vindictive cry.The other tumbled down with him and I snickered, walking over their impaired bodies to the next criminal. I shed off the sleeveless jacket as I walked, trying not to worry about how much money I threw away for 30 minutes with a guy. 

This was more important.

The police had already handled the lower class criminals and were struggling with the bigger ones. Still, I knew better than to intervene in their fight with the possibility of being shot by accident. So I stayed low to the ground, watching as a whole squad of policemen were being pummeled by Poison Ivy, and I did nothing. Batman had to show up and aid them eventually.

"You must be mad as a hatter to be out here with such danger around," a nasally voice said and I turned around. A stout man with pale blonde hair and an elognated nose was facing me, a large top hat perched precariously on his head. Based on police files I could identify him as Jervis Tetch, the Mad Hatter. His obsession with Alice in Wonderland led him to a life of crime and a serial obsession with anyone named Alice.

"We're all mad here," I quoted, causing Jervis' eyes to widen and a smirk to form on his face. He approached me with a card in his hand and I knew to avoid it, fully aware of his mind control shenanigans. Just as he lunged, a sidestepped and kicked the card out of his hand. He scowled, realizing I was more than some mindless girl, and advanced again. I sized him up, without some backup or at least his mind control equipment, he was practically useless. Taking the advantage, I cartwheeled over and used the momentum to spring up, kicking him in the forehead and effectively knocking off his hat. He stumbled and fell, glancing up at me with his beady eyes. 

"Who are you?" he asked, eyeing the mask covering my brown irises.

“Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle.” I said as I kicked him in the head to keep him down.

"Curiouser and curiouser" Jervis muttered before shutting his eyes as he slipped into unconciousness. Now in the hang of things, I moved to attack the bigger enemies, hardly aware of a pair of eyes lighting on my form.


For some reason I could not write this! But it's finally out! Anyways, did you like it? I suck at writing fight scenes but I tried! Anyways, I finally updated! Can you guess who's watching her? Heehee I'm finally getting to the good part and I'm excited!

Unfortunately with school, updates are going to be less sporadic. I have tennis everyday after school until 6, then, according to my "student handbook", I'm supposed to participate in 3-3 1/2 hours of homework. Not to mention the fact I'm in 12 different clubs and running for Student Class President. *wistful sigh* ah, high school.

Well that's my poor excuse of a chapter and happy readings! I'll try to keep an updating schedule of every 2 weeks, but no promises! Also, on chapter 1 or 2 there's a picture of Fox in her uniform! Yes, I used an avatar creator because everyone knows I can't draw. Yeah, it sucks anyways but please do try to enjoy it. Well, toodles!

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