Titans. Chapter 2.

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Mikasa landed on the ground after killing three 15m titans. "mikasa" a older soldier yelled from the group she was with, she was somewhere on the left. Erwin plan wasn't going well at all, titans was coming from everywhere over powering the soldiers. Everything was going well and peaceful for the first five minutes then it all went to hell. 

Mikasa group already rid passed two groups of soldiers that been whipped out by titans and many single soldiers that got eaten. Mikasa group was only ten soldiers and some of them are soldiers she saved as they were riding. No one seen a flair in ages and have no idea how it going everywhere else. 

"abnormal" the leader of the group yelled and mikasa took it down letting the other to keep riding. "shit, a couple of these guys are from the middle" one said soldier said with worry as he looked at heads that just been left behind. "keep riding" another soldier said with guilt. "why the hell are we still going on with the mission sir, nearly all the left have been whipped out and now we seeing some dead soldiers based in the middle" a friend of the leader yelled. "keep calm, we cant disobey Erwin" the older in the group warned. 

"help" we heard someone scream and we all rid towards the scream seeing blood, bodies parts all over the grass, it was no longer pretty green grass just blood and death. "mikasa, jake, kenny take down these two, we got these two" the leader yelled and the group spitted up trying to save the soldiers in titans hands. "save him" mikasa yelled as she went towards the two titans and sent the other soldiers to take down a smaller one. After taking down the two titans and helping the soldiers to a tree, mikasa turned to find her group but what she met with was horrifying. Her group was inside the mouth of the titans or in there hands getting ready to be eaten. Some Of there bodies was already on the ground missing parts of there body, only the two that was sent with mikasa was still alive and stood with the soldiers mikasa saved. "stay with them" mikasa yelled and sliced the titans necks. She knew it was too late to save her group but she wasn't going to let the titans kill anyone else . 

"mikasa, we cant keep going on" Kenny a soldier who was a couple years older then mikasa. "yeah our swords are fucked and our gas is out, we need to head over to a safe point" jake a couple years older said with worry. "we already here" mikasa said coldly and she pointed to a survey corps flat to single a safe point. "shit, what now" Kenny hissed. "lets just take these useless soldiers and group up with someone from the middle or someone" jake said worried, since the soldier they saved was frozen in fear and was crying not being able to move alone. "jake, your the next to lead, so its your choice" mikasa said since she wont be able to disobey orders. "we leavening to regroup, we already rid past or saw over thirty soldiers died, mikasa rid behind us a little and protect us as we rid back" jake ordered and mikasa nodded. "right get on your horse, we going" Kenny yelled and handed of some of there dead group horses over. 

Mikasa, jake, Kenny and the soldiers they saved kept riding and riding to where other soldiers should be but only found blood stains or bodies. Mikasa took as many titans down as she could but her gas was getting low. After ten minutes of riding and finding no one alive jake order for them to ride back to the walls. They not seen a flair go up in ages and found nothing but death for ages. No one complained and rid but as mikasa was taking down a couple abnormal so the group could keep riding the group got surrounded. Mikasa rid as fast she could but the only sound left was screams and cries as the titans ate everyone. Mikasa sliced and sliced but she knew it was too late. Her gas ran out on the last titan and she fell from the sky cutting the last titan nape as she fell. A loud thud could be heard as she landed on her ground rolling from the impact a little and her gear flying of or breaking apart. 

She laid staring at the sky as pain took over her body and she slowly sat up after hearing a grunt. Mikasa walked around and saw jake was laying around blood. "mikasa, why didnt you let them kill me" jake cried and mikasa turned to see him missing an arm. "why didnt they kill me" jake cried and mikasa used the last of her strength to get him on a horse. "why didnt you save them" jake cried and mikasa just kept riding towards the wall. Meeting garrison soldiers as she reached the gate and they helped the two over the wall. It seemed the Survey corps came back fithteen minutes ago. Mikasa bite her lip as she heard the news and slowly walked back to camp. 


"mikasa" eren yelled making the rest turn to the excited green eyes boy and his blonde friend. "yes, she just walked back into camp" Armin said with a smile. "wait mikasa only just got back, why didnt she rid back with the rest of us" jean asked. "didnt her group see the retreat flair" Marco said with worry. 

"Levi" Farlan said with a frown and Levi stood up. "I got a bad feeling" Levi hissed and walked out the hall. "I think we should follow" Hanji said with worry and the group went to find mikasa. 

Mikasa was slowly making her way to the captains office cabins, ignoring the pain. She knew she was covered in small scrapes and was bruised over by the fall but she had to report back and tell them about the other soldiers that could still be trapped and lost outside the walls. 

"mikasa" Levi yelled and everyone ran over after seeing her walking slowly on the path, she was filthy and everyone could tell she just had a hellish battle. "shorty, you need ask the commander for soldiers to send out" mikasa asked and grabbed his arms. "what happened mikasa" Levi asked notching mikasa was injured. "we never saw a flair, any type so we kept riding waiting for news but nothing came. All the left have been whipped out along with some from the middle, but others might still be ridding out there" mikasa yelled shocking everyone. "mikasa calm down, no one will still be out there" hanji said with a clam voice. "my group was, many injured soldiers are still waiting to meet up with others or for someone to pick them up, we only came back to the walls because we have to many injured and freaked out soldiers" mikasa yelled. "you were still out there after we all retreated" Marco said with worry. "we need send a small unit to go out and check over the routes everyone took, we might be able to save more" Mikasa begged a little shocking everyone more. "I'm sorry mikasa but we lost many lives today and Erwin wont send a small unit out to just check for soldiers who been left behind, he not even on camp anymore" Levi said taking mikasa arms of him. "where is he" mikasa asked. "he went to a meeting" jean said with a frown. "I'm sorry for yelling and not acting as a soldier" mikasa sighed and walked away leaving them all shocked. 

"she was still out there with her groups or soldiers they saved while we all got back safely inside" Armin said with tears. "and she knows there still soldiers out there just she was waiting for help" Eren said with a frown. "I think its best to leave her alone to calm down, she just realised that they all be left to die outside the wall hoping for someone to come" Farlan said with worry. 


"what are you doing" Levi hissed as he followed mikasa to the woods. "I'm going to nap" Mikasa hissed. "not like that you wont" Levi said knowing mikasa is injured. "I find a way to climb up, I walked all the way from the walls to camp, so how hard can climbing a tree be" Mikasa said coldly and Levi grabbed her hand. "at least get treated mikasa" Levi yelled. "non of the soldiers out there will be treated, they just be sitting or laying have hope someone coming but die by the titans" mikasa hissed and Levi had no words. "dont blame yourself for their deaths mikasa" Levi whispered but knew he couldn't really say much since its true they just left soldiers to die out there.

"I want to be alone" mikasa warned and climbed the tree laying on her branch. "I understand" Levi sighed and walked away but stopping and turned to she her once more but froze. Her face was hidden by the leafs but the tears that fell down and landed on the ground her couldn't be unseen. Levi felt like someone stabbed him as he watched her tears fall. Not being able to watch anymore he left, left her to cry the pain away. 

"sorry" mikasa whisper and Levi just kept walking knowing he couldn't help her. 

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