Rain hides our Tears. Chapter 8.

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"MIKASA" Levi yelled as he ran out of the room leaving the rest to protect tom after someone tried kidnapping tom. 

"Marco do you see anyone else outside or did this guy come alone" Jean yelled as he and eren stood next to tom while Armin was checking the guy body and Marco looking out the broken window. Farlan ran after Levi after he notice mikasa wasn't in the room since way before the man broke in and tried killing the rest while taking tom. "no i dont see anyone outside, i think he either came alone or the rest already left after seeing us take this guy down" Marco said with worry and turned to the stranger on the floor by Armin. "poison, he killed himself after Levi pinned him down, we got no clues who he is or who sent him now" Armin sighed and everyone frowned. "what about mikasa, she wasn't in the room while we got attacked and why did Levi suddenly run out" eren said with worry. "maybe she betrayed you all for money and ran after this guy failed" tom hissed as eren and Armin glared at him. 


"Levi, what wrong" Farlan asked as Levi noticed the window was still wide open and a hint of a strange smell filled the air a little. "they took mikasa, i should have waited for her instead of walking back alone" Levi hissed as he looked out the window. "why would they take her, they should only be after tom" farlan said with worry. "she must have noticed them and tried to warn us but the gas made her pass out" Levi sighed and gripped the edge of the window. "gas, is that the wired light smell" Farlan asked and Levi nodded. "they must have taken her while the other guy went after tom, he failed but they can use mikasa as bait for us to turn tom over" Levi  said with anger. "Levi you know tom safety comes first, mikasa knows this" Farlan said with sadness knowing its wrong but they had a mission to complete. "i know but" Levi started to say but stopped when he saw something red on the street. "mikasa knows his safety comes first, we go after her once tom at the castle, i know its horrible and not right but ..... Hey Levi" Farlan said with a frown but yelled when Levi ran past him and down the stairs. 

"her scarf" Levi said with hope and picked it up, enjoying the hint of mikasa scent once again. "i find you" Levi whisper to the cold rainy night. 


"mikasa was taken" eren yelled with anger. "we got to go save her, we dont know what they do to her" Armin said with fear and tears forming. "we cant, our orders is to get tom to the castle safely before anything else, I'm sorry" Farlan said with a frown and not daring to look anyone in the eyes. "mikasa a strong soldier and she be mad if disobey orders just to help her" Marco said with a frown. "shit but sir we dont know what happen to mikasa if we just complete the mission and dont give them what they after, his dad done some fucked up things and they were willing to kill themselves to catch him, I'm sure they not gonna care if they end a soldier life or worse" Jean yelled and everyone looked to the ground. "hey your soldiers, you job is to protect me, who cared if a single soldier dies, its her fucking job to die for me" tom yelled at them and they all glared at him. "shut the hell up, her life is worth a hundred soldiers while you just a little shit, dont make me kill you myself" Levi yelled with anger. 

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