Meeting. Chapter 3.

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"I wonder why they cancelled training all of a sudden" Armin said with a small smile and the three walked. "I just wished they told us it got cancelled before we all woke up so early" eren said sleepy. "I think its got something to do with why all the captains had to rush into the meeting cabin this morning" Mikasa said with a straight face and Armin nodded. 

"morning everyone" Marco said with a cute smile. "did you guys hear yet" jean said with a smirk. "hear what, you a horserace I think everyone knows that" eren said with a grin. "whatever you say titan lover but anyways a couple of the kings MPs are here and are inside the meeting cabin" jean said with a smirk. "some of the Kings MPs are here talking with our captains, it must be important since the King only picks a certain number of MPs to be around him" Armin said with a grin. "no one came out of the meeting cabin for over an hour now and no soldiers are allowed twenty feet near the cabin" Marco said with a small smile.

"must be something important that must be kept hidden from everyone, maybe something bad gonna happen or someone needs to be protected" Mikasa said with a straight face and everyone got thinking. 

"if its a hot babe I wont mind protecting her and sharing my room so she feel safe but of Couse no one more pretty then you mikasa" jean said with a smirk and a blush. "we all know if its a pretty girl , she be hanging around me since I be the only one who protect and make her feel safe, just look at how handsome I am" Eren said with a grin and winked. "she probably hang around me or Armin instead of wild beasts like you two" Marco said with a grin making the two frown. "but if she a girl she probably rather be with mikasa since she want someone her gender and mikasa the only person here who could protect her and unlike you two try and perv on her" Armin said with a smirk.

"she rather have a captain protect her since they high ranked, if she wants the same gender it be hanji but she probably want someone good looking since she from an important household and dont meet many handsome men. Farlan smart and has a pretty face so must chances of him being picked or Levi since he hot and famous and all the girls are after him" Mikasa said coldly and all four boys felt they lost to the captains. 

"I'm hot am I ackermen and all the girls are after me, I better keep an eye on you as well then" Levi said behind them making the boys jump while mikasa just rolled her eyes. "every girl apart from me shorty, anyway you skipping the meeting or what" Mikasa said coldly. "like Levi would skip a meeting, we on a break" Farlan said with a smile. "captain Levi and captain farlan, sorry for talking out of tone" Marco said with a worried smile and the captains just waved it of. "well I expect to find you five trying to guess what the meeting about" Levi said as he stood next to mikasa and farlan stood the other side of her.

"um, why do I feel like something bad now gonna happen" Armin said with worry as the other four boys stood back. "well your guys are not wrong about it being about protecting someone important but its a male not female, and he only wants a hot soldier by his side" Farlan said with a grin and closed his eyes. "so why are you both grabbing mikasa like she gonna fight or run" eren asked with fear. "well your four will also be helping to protect him but we need a female to dress up and sand next to him all the time" Farlan said with worry. "mikasa, no way I let a rich snob touch her before I do" Jean hissed and Levi glared at him.

"she the only one for the job who we can trust to not fall in love with the guy or let him get his way with her" Levi said with a calm voice. "I'm not suited to look after brats who like to play around and flirt all the time, I'm only good at killing" Mikasa hissed and Levi turned to her then looked at her friends. "haha not fit, dont make us laugh mikasa, if you can handle your friends then this guy nothing" Farlan laughed and the two captains started to drag her to the meeting room. "you brats follow as well" Levi order to the four boys and they walked behind with a not so agreeable mikasa. "I better get a free hit later" Mikasa hissed and Farlan went a little pale at the thought of mikasa hitting him. "like hell you will" Levi hissed. 


"got her and the other brats" Levi hissed as they dragged mikasa in the door and the others walked in. "oh good work not dying" Mike said with a smile. "I'm guessing you all heard why we called you" an MP said with a straight face and the rest kinda nodded. "we now going to go into detail about what roles you be playing but any questions since Levi and farlan couldn't say much outside" Hanji said with a small smile and mikasa lifted her head up. "oh god" Farlan said with worry.

"sir I cant do this mission, I'm injured" Mikasa said coldly and Levi turned to her like really your gonna try that one. "how are you injured soldier" the other MP asked making everyone else mental slap themselves that he really believed her. "I got a broken foot" Mikasa lied and her friends looked scared. "you can walk fine, so you can still work" mike said with a smile knowing mikasa was just trying to get out of it. "mikasa the only way your getting out of this is death or a broken led, where you needed sticks to help you walk" Hanji said with a kind smile. "please can I be excuse" mikasa asked. "why" the first MP asked. "I need the loo" mikasa lied. "go" the other MP said embarrassed. "thanks sir" Mikasa said and walked to the door. "its not like she gonna jump from the wall or a roof just to get out of this right" Farlan said with a grin but it faded when they realised it was mikasa they talking about. "shit" Levi hissed and ran out and a couple minutes carrying her back in the room.

"Please explain the mission and dont listen to her" Levi hissed and he held mikasa. "you five will be working with Captain farlan and captain Levi, you be protecting the son of a lawyer who helps the rich" Erwin said with a small grin at what just happened. He knew it wasn't gonna be easy to get mikasa to help but he didnt this it would be this funny. 

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