Chapter 11

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I got a call from unknown. I didn't know if I should answer it or not but I did.

"Hello?" I asked. "Meet me at school by the benches in front of the school. Now." A voice said.

I can't really describe the voice. It sounded like a boy. I had to go. I don't know what got into me but I went.

Once I got to the school I waited on a bench and played on my phone. All of a sudden something hit me hard in the neck and it hurt really really badly.

I looked behind me and it was Nathan and a girl. "Nathan! What was that for?!" I cried.

"You idiot." He snickered.

The girl laughed really ugly and pulled me off the seat throwing me on the ground.

"Wh- What are you doing?" I asked really scared.

"You freaking cheated on me with Jai you retard!"

"No! No I certainly did not! You cheated on me with some girl!" I yelled.

"Because you're an ugly creature who would want to date you? I used you to get back together with my girlfriend Lisa. But I don't care! You don't cheat on me!"

"Why can you cheat on me but I can't cheat on you you looser?" I yelled

He got closer to me and picked me up by my shirt and shoved me up against a wall. I was really scared.

The girl started laughing.

"Lisa would you like to take the first hit?" Nathan asked.

She smiled and hit me across my face.

Then, Nathan punched me several times.

I tried to scream but all that came out was a little squeak.

I tried to kick them too but I was hurting so badly.

I fell to my knees and my mind went black.

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