14- Departure

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"You know Saltzman isn't going to let us just leave." Hope said to me the next day.

"How's Olivia?" I asked. I still hadn't gone to see her and it was eating me alive but she had still hurt me.

"She's shaken up but you're avoiding the subject." She said to me.

I crossed my arms and peeled my eyes away from my book.

"Well if you're having second thoughts I'll save the world myself." Hope said.

I smiled at her and looked over at Landon. "I won't be by myself."

Hope looked at Landon. "Seriously? You're on board with this not telling Saltzman?"

Landon nodded. "Hey if it means saving the world with my friend count me in."

Landon looked over at Rafael who was sitting quietly. "I'm out."

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Well with you three gone our school will be vulnerable to attack. Someone's gotta hold down the fort, plus I'm alpha. I can't just bail."

"As far as excuses go that's pretty good." I said to him before I turned back to Hope.

"Are you in or not?"

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Fine, I'm in. What's the plan?"

I looked around before explaining. "So we're going to wait until it's late. Like really late, so late that we know that nobody is awake." I looked around at everyone, they were all listening intently. "And then grand finale... drum roll please.... we're going to walk out the front door."

Rafael started laughing like an idiot in his seat.

"That's it?" Hope asked. "That's your brilliant plan? To walk out the front door?"

I nodded.

"I like it." Landon shrugged. "I mean it's simple to the point, and literally nothing can go wrong."

Hope sighed. "I'm going to go recruit, see if we can at least one more person to join our cause."

"Well I mean three is a sacred number to the Greeks, so we don't need another person." I said to her.

"Yeah well I'm not Greek and Landon isn't Greek so that doesn't affect us, and we're going to need all the help we can get." She said giving me the bird before walking off.

"Ouch. That hurt." I said pretending to clutch my heart.

"What's going to happen when Saltzman realizes that you three are not on campus anymore?" Rafael asked.

"First he'll talk to you, and then he'll call one of us and ask us where we are, and I'll say that Zeus sent us on a very dangerous quest and that the fate of the world is in my hands and hopefully he'll understand." I said confidently.

"And if he doesn't understand?"

"Detention or community service." Landon said rolling his eyes.

I shrugged. "Better than the school being overran by monsters."

"You make a good point." Landon said.

"Alright, I gotta dip." I said closing my books and standing up.

I went to bed at six o'clock and tried to get a little bit of sleep in before we departed for Colorado, we had a long road ahead of us. A road filled with monsters coming after me to get my knowledge of Pandora's Box.

The thing was, I couldn't sleep.

Not even a wink.

My mind kept going back to the mission and to Jack, and it wouldn't stay off of Olivia.

Who was Jack working for? Was his father behind this whole thing?

No. Hades was the ruler of the underworld but that doesn't mean he'd turn against his brothers and sister for a stupid monster box.

How would I even know where to find the box once we got into Colorado? What if I couldn't complete the mission and the worst monsters were unleashed upon the world once more?

Was Olivia okay? She was shaken up pretty badly? She deserved it for getting in bed with him. What am I saying? Of course she didn't deserve to get attacked.

My alarm began blaring startling out of my thoughts. I quickly shut it off. "2:30am."

I threw on my new leather jacket and slung my backpack full of supplies over my shoulder and headed out of the my room.

I was the first one to the front door.

Or at least I thought I was.

"Hey Achilles." A voice said sitting in the dark. She stood up and walked towards me, I immediately recognized the red hair and her signature black leather jacket.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I'm coming with." She said confidently.

I shook my head. "No you're not."

She got extremely close to me. "Why? Because I'm hurt or because you're still mad at me."

I avoided my eyes. "Both."

Hope and Landon walked passed us. "You ready?" She asked.

"Yes." Olivia and I said in unison.

I looked at her. "You're not coming."

"She's coming." Hope said without looking as her and Landon walked out to door.

"Hmm." Olivia said giving me a mischievous grin and tapped my nose as she walked past following the other two.

I groaned and follow them out the door.

"Can I at least drive?" I asked as we walked down the driveway towards the car.

Hope shook her head. "No, we're only taking the car to the bus station."

"Unreal. You bring the girl was sleeping with the traitor and you don't even let me drive." I complained.

"You should let him drive." Landon said to her.

"No, and stop taking his side." She hissed at him.

"He just makes good points."

"And for your information we were not sleeping together." Olivia hissed at me.

I raised my hands in defeat. "Whatever you say Henry."

Olivia and I crawled into the backseat reluctantly as Hope turned the ignition.

"You guys better bury your beef or this is going to be a long trip." She said turning the car around and heading towards the school gates.

Olivia and I looked at each other before looking back up front. "No." We said together.

"It's cute when you guys say the same things." Landon said clearly trying to push a button.

I huffed and looked out the window.

Hope was right.

This was going to be a long week.

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