26. preferences - they're caught beating their meat (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (LIME!×NEUT!)

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Italics are reader's speech
Bold are character's speech


-at his house
-forgets you're coming over to his
-is a little pissed off and horny bc y'all were a little too flirty today
-you call his name but don't find him so you go upstairs
-you go to his room and open the door
-you stop bc he's literally looking like a five course meal, spread on the bed
-breathy, deep moaning
-you blush, but he looks unfazed
-he pauses to look at you, full of lust, and carries on
-y-y/n, aren't you going to come and apologise for being a little slut today?

-was just horny tbh
-you were avoiding sex with him, but he didn't know that you were doing it on purpose
-basically so he'd fuck you harder
-you look for him after class and one of his classmates tell you he's still there
-you go, and find him slouched back in seat behind his desk
-j a c k i n g h i m s e l f o f f i n t h e o p e n
-growls, throaty moans
-he looks at you and smirks as you close the classroom doors
-come here, little one

-volleyball store room
-he was v v horny the poor man
-after practice when everyone left he decided to release his frutrations
-you walked in to walk home with him
-when you heard your name being moaned by a familiar voice
-throaty moans, groaning, panting
-you blushed as you realized what he was doing
-i-i'll just walk myself home then, asahi
-g-gah, f/n!!!-

-janitor's closet
-at lunch after class
-you walk past drinking some juice casually
-you hear a familiar voice grunting and groaning your name
-you spat out your juice and-
-tanaka, what the fu-

-janitor's closet
-basically he was already horny because you were wearing your uniform
-he runs off somewhere during lunch so you go on a rolling-thunder hunt
-you walk past a janitor's closet and hear nishinoya
-panting, groaning, growls
-a-ah, F/N
-you run in worriedly to find him jerking himself off
-can u imagine it tho
-his brows furrowed in concentration, mouth slightly ajar, face dusted with a blush, letting deep sounds of pleasure along with your name, hIS HAIR DOWN I-
-(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

-your house
-after a tutoring session
-he was v horny because of your clothing choice
-after kageyama leaves he goes to the toilet
-you walk past the bathroom and hear moaning
-panting, low grunts
-you blush, leaving him alone
- ┐( ̄//ヮ// ̄)┌

-your room
-after hinata leaves he goes to your room
-you walk in to see him standing with his trousers hanging from his waist, his shirt held under his chin
-i n f r o n t o f t h e m i r r o r-
-throaty moans, soft growls
-aren't you going to help me, F/N?

-his room
-he thought you were being a little too close with Akiteru
-the dinosaur is a n g e r y (ง'̀-'́)ง
-he storms off to his room
-you go to his room to find him shamelessly wanking himself off
-growls, throaty moans
-he looks over and scowls
-are you just going to stand there?

-changing rooms
-just frustrated because you never had sex
-everyone else left and he was taking suspiciously long
-you came in quietly and peeked
-his shirt was unbuttoned so his torso was on show with his trousers hanging from his waist
-throaty moans, soft/loud growls
-d a m n™
-he was in for a hella good time when y'all got home


-shamelessly got a boner because you looked hot bent over the desk
-the teacher was at his desk like half asleep anyway
-always sits at the back so you go to him
-he starts wanking himself off
-(quiet) throaty groans, soft growls

-at his house
-throaty groans, pants, quiet moans
-but you wouldn't catch him

-in class
-sits next to you at the back where literally no one sits
-and he randomly got a bone-dog
-starts jacking himself off
-soft growls and groans

-volleyball store room
-just frustrated as he hadn't fucked in a while
-you come to look for him and you see his back facing the small crack of the door
-moaning quietly, grunting
-you blush and try to leave, but you trip over a mop
-he sees you and drags you in
-did you just plan on watching me, huh?


-d o e s n ' t
-just fucks if he's horny

-after class he tells you to lock the doors after everyone left
-immediately whips out his boner and starts shamelessly wanking
-g r o w l s
-loud groans, panting
-are you going to carry on standing there or are you going to come here and help?

-you just never catch him
-why masturbate when you have the real thing?

-somewhere in school
-you bent over the table
-and he-
-hE GOT A SEMI-//slapped
-i'll show myself out jk
-runs off to a closet I guess
-throaty groans, panting, growls


-gym store room
-growls, throaty groans, panting
-you walk in the gym to hear him groaning your name
-you walk closer until you realise what he's doing
-try to walk away but he hears you and drags you in
-how about we put that pretty little mouth of yours to good use, hm?
-fucks you roughly afterwards

-gym store room
-does it when he's jealous or frustrated
-growls, throaty groans
-does it somewhere that he knows you'll find him
-fucks you roughly
-come here, baby
-you like teasing me, hm?

-lowkey exhibitionist
-growls, throaty groans
-t h r i l l
-probably also fucks you there
-you like it when I fuck you in public, huh?
-half of me wants this whole fucking library to hear how good I'm making you feel

-bc he was jealous he made you do it for him
-grunts, throaty groans, growls
-and bc I feel like he likes doing risky things
-t h r i l l
-fingers you roughly under the desk
-loves seeing you try to stop your noises
-l o v e s seeing your legs shake afterwards
-look at you
-you made a mess of yourself again, idiot


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