Chapter 3

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"An intelligent hell would be better than a stupid paradise." - Victor Hugo

I went to check on the girls and find them preparing to go home. The stripper room is cramped, full of stripping materials. Slinky outfits are hanging everywhere. The bright lights make it look like a trash can full of glitters.

"How was it?," Stacy, the nosy woman, asked. "I heard you're with Mr. billionaire."

"Fine," i replied.

"He's a catch and very complicated.
He likes virgins and dispose them when he's done with them. I heard he even buys them from an online website," she said. Is that so? What website is that? I wanna ask.

"Where did you hear all these?"

"A rich young man like him can't remain mysterious for long. He's our regular. John will do everything to make that guy happy. He gives massive tips and he is a valuable client. You're so lucky he picked you today. He asked for me once. He never touched me which is weird. We only talked. It's really weird until i found out about his preference and all that. I'm not surprised. "

"He's really rude, you know."

"He is, but that's tolerable. Although our topics were mostly about the girls in the bar that time."

"Is he looking for a virgin through you?"

"I don't think so. I only heard the rumor from John or Carrie. I don't remember. I was a bit drunk, he just let me be and i think i fell asleep while he's talking."

Carrie is another older stripper that does part time. Although she's nearing her 40s, she's managed to keep her body in shape and she's a magnificent pole dancer. She's also our mentor. She taught me about the basics of stripping, the method of doing small moves to catch the attention of lustful men. She's a sweet one, at times i fell like i have maternal attachments to her. She's been in the business for so long, she must have been through a lot. I missed her. She's been sick a week now. I think i miss her presence.

"Well, he's a jerk, though. One day he'll get what he deserved," i said out of spite for his behavior. I don't like misogynistic men using women like objects.

"Not when you can afford everything," Stacy replied and left me with my thoughts, which is purely occupied by that man.

I stayed silent.

"Congratulations, girls. It's one great show and what a record we have tonight. It's the biggest ever," John came in telling us about the good news.

He looked at me and gave me my tip, "Here's yours darling. He's always generous, but he's unusually more tonight."

A check. That's unusual. Or is it because this is just my first time to receive a check as a tip? I placed it jn my pocket.

"Thanks," i said and John is already at the door.

This is not as tiring as the other nights. I'm leaving early. At times when i don't have a choice, i sleep at the strippers room and wait for morning before i go walking. Safety is something i consider when walking alone at 2AM.

Since i have enough cash to spare, i decided to take a cab. Or probably do what everyone does, get an Uber.

I was surprised to find the fine white car outside. I'm glad it isn't hit by drunks looking for fun last night. I can't help but admire the beauty of this car. It's a testosterone boost to whoever owns this. I stood for a moment to take in the sleek design, so full of definition, it's really a turn on for any girl, including me. It's useless to deny i like fast cars.

Then the window rolled down. "Wanna ride," a familiar voice asked in the dimly lit street.

"Oh, well," i felt a bit embarrassed from the way i was earlier, admiring his car. "It's okay, I'm taking a cab anyway. I only live two blocks away."

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