The Princess test

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------------------- At School ------------Anamis P.O.V.----------------------------------

     I watched everyone in class as I sat on the nice fluffed pillows in the corner of the class, everyone was stretching for dance class, but since I get sick I always sit out but it's fun to watch everyone having fun. Amber and Sofia were whispering to one another, as then Amber did some ballet move until she almost tripped. 

     Fauna, Flora, and Maryweather entered the classroom announcing, "Children, May I have your attention, please? We won't be having dance class today." The whole class started to whine of disappointment. Sofia asked, "How come, Miss Flora?"

Flora responded, "Because instead, you'll be preparing for a very important test."

Maryweather continued, "The Princess test."

     There was indistinct murmuring I heard Sofia asked Amber, "Whats the princess test?"

Fauna than explained, "The princess test is to show us everything you've learned about being a true princess."

One of the princess shout, "Everything? But we've learned so much."

"Can you at least give us a hint about the test?"

Fauna answered, "I'm sorry, but that's all we can tell you." 

Flora interrupted, "Except that it will take placed right after school."

Fauna continued, "Right, but that it."

Maryweather also interrupted, "In the Ballroom,"

Fauna again continued, "Right, after school in the ballroom, and that's all we're saying."

Flora explained, "You have the rest of the school day to study."

Fauna, "Good luck everyone."

Flora turned to me, "Can you met us in the office in a bit dear." I nodded as they shrunk down and flown out the room.

     Sofia turned to everyone, "If we going to be tested on everything we've learned, maybe we should go to the library and study." everyone agreed and walked to the library.

     I watched them walked to the library as I headed to the fairies office where not only the fairies were there but a wizard and a doctor were at present. They explained instead of taking the princess test they wanted to see how much magic I could take, at first I was worried and nervous until the wizard Goodwyn the Great placed his hand on my shoulder to reassure myself. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and nodded. 

Flora explained, "We just want you to put a simple illusion and a teleportation spell during the princess test."

Fauna continued, "You see we want you to make me look like our librarian Mrs. Higgins, ok dear."

Maryweather then explained, "We will be this in the princess test to help us."

Flora continued, "You'll have Goodwyns help in case of anything and we have a doctor in case it takes a toll in any time."

I nodded in agreement. 

------------------------------------After School-----------------------------------------

I took a deep breath and looked back at Goodwyn as he nodded at me. I turned to Fauna and placed the illusion spell on her. She looked just like Mrs. Higgins at first I looked around to see if I got all the details right, with Goodwyn behind me examining with me, we agreed that there wanted any flaws until Fauna spoke and had to change her voice and she took her place. Fauna / Mrs. Higgins asked one by one to help her, as I watched from the window in case someone actually helps. I saw Sofia stopping and helping the fake Mrs. Higgins, I smiled in approval Goodwyn and me followed them on a magic carpet, as I made more illusions on the way, for example, the broken bridge, and the rest I held in my giggling as she ran into the broken bridge. 

    I saw that Sofia had a hard time adjusting as she explains to 'Mrs.Higgins'.

I could agree that even I had a hard time adjusting but since I couldn't do things as everyone else could I just read and study, even do things that I could do like for the animals at home. We kept following and changed the solid floor into a slippery muddy one as I watched them slip and fall into the mud. As they made their way to the cottage and enter it I cast the transportation spell on the door that's when it took its toll as I was out of breath.  We went back to the school as Fauna changed back as she explained. 

Fauna, "We had Princess Anami change me into look like Mrs. Higgins"

     Everyone turned to me as the doctor was checking on me and I waves to them smiling and Goodwyn disappear before anyone could see him. 

Sofia shocked, "I was helping you carry those book all this time?

Fauna agreed, "Yes, you were. "

Mrs. Higgins interrupted, " I was here at the school the whole time!" as she giggled walking away with her cart with the books away.

Sofia looked at the teachers, "But why?"

Fauna explained, "Oh, it was all part of the princess test."

Sofia, "It was?"

Fauna continued, "Abso- Toodly- oodly."

I giggled in when she said that.

Flora giggled as she explains, "Girls, you are all wonderful princesses. Amber, you curtsey are commendable!"

Amber thanked her as she curtsey.

Maryweather continued, "And Jun, your fanning is flawless."

Jun giggled as she fanned.

Flora continued, "And Hildegard's posture is positively perfect."

Hildegard thank them. 

Fauna then exclaimed, "But, one of the most important things about being a princess is kindness, so I had Anami made me look like Mrs. Higgens for not only the princess test but to see how much far Anami came as well. And asking every one of you for help, because a true princess always helps a person in need."

Flora continued, "Even if it means giving up something very important to you."

All the princess agreed

Flora continued once again, "Now, all you other princesses will get silver stars for the fine job you did today." 

Maryweather, " But since you, Sofia, where the only princess to stop and help Mrs.Higgins -"

Fauna continues, "It gives us all great joy to announce that you passed the princess test with the highest honors."

Sofia was shocked, "I passed?"

Flora, "And because of your excellent work today, we're awarding you a very special trophy."

As the fairies summoned atrophy and handed it to Sophia and as everyone congratulates her. The fairys then flew over to me, "And you princess Anami we test you and we can tell your getting better every day and sent a letter to your parent of this news."

I smiled and nodded I saw Sophia walked up to me and asked, "So everything happened was because of you?" I nodded and we giggled at each other when her dress went back to the clean gown as it once was. 

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