Chapter 7: A Life Time Of Working

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Back in Downtown New York, Ezra was still driving down the roads. Street lamps passing by like a strand or glowing pearls. Building still grey, dull, and lifeless. The rain had finally stopped coming down. The roads still like sheets of glass. Suddenly one building with light radiating from it caught Ezra's attention. Pulling up just beside it the building. Making Evelyn and Xavier share a confused glance before looking over at Ezra.

"Ezra what are we doing at a Mechanics?" Said Evelyn as she raised an eyebrow slightly, having no clue what the three of them where even doing here.

"My Father works here... and if anyone can tell me about these accidents... it's him" Answered Ezra as he shut down the engine, opening the door and stepping out of the car as he closed to door behind him.

Quickly Evelyn and Xavier scrambled out of the car, following Ezra to the up and over door. Taking a peak inside to see a man. Black messed up hair with patches of various substances all over him. Eyes a delicate Hazel colour scanning over the old car he working on. Suspending in the air on a platform. Tools all plastered around the wall decorating it with various colours. Lights blazing down, shining in the room and illuminating into the darkened street. Ezra gave a slight knock on the metal frame, echoing in the surrounding atmosphere.

"Father... it's me Ezra and a couple of friends" Said Ezra as he stepped over the threshold, walking closer to the man working underneath the car.

The man glanced over his shoulder to look at the doorway, a wide smile plastered on his lips as he lowered his arms down from the car. Placing the tool he was using into his belt and grabbing a rag from his other. He started wiping his hands as he walked closer to Ezra.

"Ezra my boy... it's so good to see you" Said the man as both of them wrapped each other in a tight embrace, patting each other on the back a couple of times before separating.

"As well as you Father" Replied Ezra as he gave his Father a slight nod, knowing this visit was going to be short and hopefully sweet.

"I'm just here on business this time Father" Continued Ezra as he crossed his arms over his chest, his mind starting to wander back off into Cymbeline and how she was even coping.

"You work to hard my boy... what's it this time?... the car accidents all over the city" Asked Ezra's Father as he walked back over to the car, picking out the tool he was using and continued to tinker with the car.

"It is... I didn't know if you'd had anything suspicious happening to any of your cars you've had in recently?" Questioned Ezra as he strolled over to one of his Father's work benches, taking a look at some of the photos he had pinned up.

"Now that you mention it... recently some of the busted parts on these cars are counter fits... prone to accidents and causing breakdowns" Stated Ezra's Father as he finally got the part of the car off he was trying to remove, glancing over his shoulder towards Ezra as he glanced down at the car piece in his hands.

"Anything else?" Asked Ezra as he cupped his chin slightly, trying to see how these two things could be connected somehow.

"I had some lowlife the other day try and sell me a crate of car parts... turned that f**ker right away after I caught a scent of salt on it... knowing straight away they were counter fits... car parts will never have that kinda scent on them unless they've been produced by a fake production... and the only way to sneak that kinda sh*t into here is by the docks" Stated Ezra's Father as he put down the car part on a bench close by to him, walking over to his son and resting a hand on his shoulder.

"James has a Private part of the docks... that's gotta be where he is now" Interrupted Xavier as he crossed his arms over his chest, now starting to see where all this was leading.

"Then that's where we're going from here... you two can head back to the car... I'm gonna finish up here" Said Ezra as he placed a hand on one of the photos, turning to Xavier and Evelyn giving them a nod as they walked back to the car.

"You know she'd be proud of you" Said Ezra's Father as he looked at a the same photo his son was, a picture of him, his wife and their son.

"I know... and now I'm worried I'm gonna lose the only girl I've ever loved because of a stupid mistake I made" Sighed Ezra as he glanced at his Father, knowing it was partly his fault he was never there for Cymbeline.

"We all know Cymbeline puts up a fight when she has to... she'll buy herself enough time for you to help her out... now it's your turn to put a fight" Replied Ezra's Father as he placed both hands on his son's shoulders, turning him to face his eyes as he got down to his eye level.

"Thank you Father... I'll make you proud" Said Ezra as he gave his Father one last hug, feeling a smile pull at his lips, pulling away from his Father as he briskly walked out of the garage and towards his car.

"You always do son" Muttered Ezra's Father to himself as he shook his head slightly, a small smile plastered on his lips as he turned back to the car and continued to work on it.

Ezra opens his car door and got inside. Closing the door as he looked over his shoulder towards Xavier in the back.

"Alright Xavier you seem to know about James's part of the Docks... can you get us there?" Questioned Ezra as he stared right into Xavier's eyes, praying that he knew the way to get there.

"Yeah I know the way... but be a tiny bit cautious... his security is high there because of the sh*t he's doing" Replied Xavier as he leaned forward in his seat, almost sitting between the gap in the front of the two seats.

"Then I guess we're gonna have to be just as crafty as him then" Stated Ezra as he turned on the car engine, making the tyres spin slightly as he sped off down the road.

The sound of the car engine echoing in the desolate streets. Riding on a highway to a fight...

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