Chapter 6: Over The Sea And Far Away

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Meanwhile on the other side of New York, James was sitting in the limo with Cymbeline. Complete and opposite sides to each other. Cymbeline was staring at the wall beside her, trying not to even make any contact with her brother. Having her legs crossed as well as her arms. Taking a glance over in James's direction to see him with an ankle resting on his knee. A cloth in one hand and the other had the same gun he was threatening her with. Polishing the shiny metal steel as he kept his eyes focused down.

Making her feelings start to run wild inside her. Turning her gaze back to the side of the limo wall. Praying that James hadn't caught her.

"What's the matter Sis... You're not getting nervous are you?" Questioned James as a smirk became plastered across his lips, his eyes shining with hints of demonic showing through.

"You wish I was" Muttered Cymbeline as she continued to stare at the limo wall, not even waiting to struck up a conversation with him cause it would ignite into a fire.

"Don't lie to me... I can always tell when you're nervous" Stated James as he stood up from the seat, making his way over to Cymbeline and sitting down beside her.

She could now feel her heart pounding out of her chest. Hands now starting to sweat a little bit as the nerves got to her. Never spending this much time in a confined space with the psycho. Shifting in her seat slightly, trying to get as much distance as possible. James easily noticed and aggressively wrapped an arm around her shoulders, yanking her closer to him. Both of them staring into each other's eyes. Cymbeline's filling with terror and horror, James's filling with lust and power. Two polar opposite combining to make a deadly atmosphere.

"How can you be so frightened of me Sis?" Questioned James as he gently ran a hand down the side of her face, taking a good look at the scar he left there.

"How can I not be... look at what you've become" Spat Cymbeline as she put both her hands on his chest, trying to push herself away from him before he did anything else.

"Did you forget about all the times I stopped Father from beating the sh*t out of you... Stopped him from using you as a bargaining chip" Said James as he wrapped an arm around Cymbeline back, pulling her closer to him when he'd realise she'd frozen.

"Just so you could do that instead?" Questioned Cymbeline as she looked James dead in the eyes, her vision blurred by the tears covering her eyes.

"Oh Cymbeline... you've really missed the big picture... it's part of who you are... and no matter how hard you try you can never escape it" Said James in a slight seductive tone, moving her pony tail aside to take a look at the slit on the back of her neck.

"You're alone with no one to turn to now... so I suggest you be a tiny bit nicer to me Sis... otherwise I might just put you in the hospital again... and you won't be walking out you'll be rolling out" Threatened James as he placed the barrel on the gun against Cymbeline's lower spine, making her shriek slightly as she gripped into his suit jacket.

Suddenly the limo stopped. Making Cymbeline sigh with relief as the door next to her opened up. A tallish man in a Chauffeur attire. Dull eyes as well as a dull expression planted on his face. Unexpectedly Cymbeline felt a shove, being thrown out of the car and kneeling on some wooden decking. Hearing a few chuckling voice beside her, taking a glance to see a few worker shipping crates around.

"The Docks" Thought Cymbeline as she took another look around, unsure of what the pair of them were doing here.

"You look cute laying on the floor helpless" Said James as he majestically stepped out of the car, bending over slightly and gripping Cymbeline's pony tail.

"Why the hell are we here?... I didn't think drowning was your type of attack" Replied Cymbeline as she grabbed his wrist, trying to pull his hand off her hair.

"Real funny Sis... you're a Private Eye and haven't worked it out... how about I show you?" Said James as he yanked Cymbeline up by her hair, making her shriek as he dragged her over to a wooden building structure similar to an office.

A normal box building. Wooden pillars all around it keeping it sturdy. Creates were all scattered across the docks. Cranes and docking stations situated all over. Organised chaos is a better way to describe it. Workers all around, working their a*s off to move all the creates to the right locations. Half of them stopping to watch James drag Cymbeline to his office area.

Busting the door wide open when he reached the building. Feeling the rage coursing through his body as he threw Cymbeline forward. Making her stumble slightly as she looked dead ahead of her. Eyes flicking with horror as she saw who was sitting in a high back leather chair at James's desk. Iris. A young lady tied up and gaged with a black fascinator slanted on her head. Beach blonde hair slightly messed up along with blue jewel eyes sparkling in the dull light. A strapless black cocktail dress clung to her torso and flared out from her waist. With a white wide ribbon around her waist and a tiny silk chocker around her neck. Fishnet stockings climbed up her legs to finish the look was a pair of black shining high heels with white bottoms.

Cymbeline scanned around the room and noticed a bunch of different car parts. Plans and all kinds of things laying about the place. Then her eyes landed on Ivy cowering in the corner of the room. 

"It was you... all these car accidents... this kidnapping... it was all you" Breathed out Cymbeline as she turned to her side, glaring up at James who was inches away from her face.

"Well done... I guess the Private Eye really does suit you after all... now if you'll excuse me I have business to attend to" Said James as he ran a finger under Cymbeline's chin, flicking her head up slightly as he strolled out of the office and slamming the door being him.

"Ivy are you okay?" Asked Cymbeline as she rushed over to her, kneeling down beside her to help calm her down.

"Yeah I'm fine... just terrified of him" Replied Ivy as she stood up, rushing over to her sister and hugging her tightly.

Quickly untying her and helping her out of the seat. Both of them sharing a hug, with tears flowing down their faces.

"How'd you two wind up in this?" Questioned Cymbeline as she walked over to the desk, sitting on the edge of the desk looking at the telephone sitting there.

"I happen to walk in James talking about the doggy dealing back in the club... then he dragged my sister into this by trying to get you involved" Said Iris as she wrapped her arms around her sister, looking over towards Cymbeline.

"And it ends now" Replied Cymbeline as she picked up the phone, punching in a number and letting it ring praying someone would be there.

"What are you doing?" Questioned Iris as the twins looked over skeptically at her, Cymbeline put up one of her fingers to them as she waited for someone to answer the phone.

Finally someone answered the phone...

"Hello this is Sergeant Scott how can I help" Answered the person on the other end of the phone, waiting for the caller to give them a reply.

"Scott it's me Private Eye Cymbeline I have some information to give you" Said Cymbeline as she got off the desk, turning her back to the door and as leaned over and rested her hand on the edge of the desk.

"I need to whole NYPD down at The Docks right away... I've found ou AHHHHHHHHHH!" Screaming as she noticed a machete slammed right over her fingers on the desk, blood starting to trickle out of each of her fingers.

"Cymbeline what's going on?" Questioned the Sergeant as he stood up from his chair, leaning over his desk as he heard her heavy breathing and crying.

Quickly the phone was snatched out of her hand, the person slamming back down on the holder. Aggressively they grabbed Cymbeline's chin and made their eyes meet her's.

"At least you'll be walking out of the hospital this time... with one unusable limb instead of two" Said James in a demonic tone as he grabbed her chin tighter, watching her suffering made him feel that bit more powerful....

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