Chapter 1: A Kidnapping Mystery

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It was six fifteen on a Friday night. Downtown New York in an office. Situated in a tall brick building. Plain... Dull... Lifeless. The rain gently raining down on the Earth. Sky as grey as the old cartoons that used to play. Life and colour could never been seen here. Streets dead as the night time. Roads like sheets of glass. Street lamps glowing in the bleak harsh surroundings. A hazy spear cast around the glowing lights. The Downtown... was more like the Dead-town.

One window on the building had "Private Eye Ezra" printed on it. The only window with any kind of decoration. Closed blinds keeping the contents hidden. Inside that room, it was dark with barely any illumination. Ezra a bloke of about twenty six sitting at his desk. Eyes a beautiful amber scanning across a collage of newspapers. All from different publishers covering the exact same story. Car malfunctions. Trying to piece together what any of these had in common.

A tyre blow out. Engine caught on fire. Faulty break system. Something wasn't adding up and it was driving Ezra insane. Running a hand through his sleek black hair, resting one elbow on the wooden desk. The lamp creating a glow against his tanned skin, the amber in his eyes shimmering. Taking a glance at the clock hung over the double door way. Seeing the time was quarter to seven. Looking down at his desk one last time before sighing. Knowing this case wasn't going to get solved anytime soon.

Ezra knew there was one person he could turn too, but knew it was a bad idea after what happened the last time. Causing him more heart break than it was worth...

Suddenly a slight knock at his door snapped him clean out of his head. Not evening knowing who would be here at this time of the night. Most of the world was out partying and enjoying their Friday evening.

"Come in" Said Ezra as he looked over at the double doors, seeing the silhouette of someone through the white tinted glass along with the same writing as on the window.

Ezra kept his gaze dead ahead of him as the door open cautiously, continuing to sit down at his desk as the mystery client walked in. Once the door was fully open an unimpressed expression cover his face. Cold, dull, and lifeless. A young lady was standing at the door with a white fascinator slanted on her head. Beach blonde hair curled perfectly along with blue jewel eyes sparkling in the dull light. A strapless white cocktail dress clung to her torso and flared out from her waist. With a black wide ribbon around her waist and a tiny silk chocker around her neck. Fishnet stockings climbed up her legs to finish the look was a pair of white shining high heels with black bottoms. An outfit she knew would drive Ezra crazy.

"Well hello Ezra" Said the girl in a slight flirty tone, closing the door being her as she strode over to the desk.

"What are you doing here Ivy?" Questioned Ezra in an annoyed tone as he glared up at her, not in the mood to even see this b*tch.

"I missed you" Replied Ivy in a sweet and innocent tone, having a puppy dog expression as she swayed from side to side.

"What like you missed your last pay cheque" Spat Ezra as he got up from his office chair, walking over to his bookcase in search of a phonebook.

"You don't have to gamble with me" Gasped Ivy in a slightly shocked tone making her voice raise higher, eyes brimming with tears as she gazed at his back.

"Yeah well you always were that one wild card" Snapped Ezra as he looked over his shoulder towards Ivy, not caring at all for the sh*t she was trying to pull on him.

"Now like I asked... what are you doing here?" Questioned Ezra again as he turned around to fully face her, a book in his hands which he threw onto his desk along with the newspapers.

"It's... it's about my... my twin sister Iris... she's... been kidnapped" Stuttered Ivy as she burst out into tears, wiping away some tears which fell down her face.

"Quit the water works... you're twenty three not three" Said Ezra in a stern tone as he took a few steps towards Ivy, needing to get to the bottom on this.

"Where was the last time you saw Iris?" Questioned Ezra as he crossed his arms strongly over his chest, glancing down at Ivy in front of him seeing as she wasn't exactly the tallest girl in New York.

"She was working for James D'Amico" Answered Ivy as a crack of lighting light up the entire room, creating a slightly shocked expression on Ezra's face.

"James D'Amico" Repeated Ezra as he looked skeptically down at her, not knowing how Iris would have ever been involved with a gang such as theirs.

"Iris worked in his new Club... The Tempest Devil" Said Ivy as she threw down a newspaper onto his desk, making Ezra glance down to take a look at the front headline.

"Ezra I know you don't want to help... but please just think about it for me" Continued Ivy as she walked over to him and got onto her tiptoes, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Giving him a cheeky wink as she walked out of his office. Lightly closing the door, leaving Ezra in the dull lit office alone again. Picking up the newspaper Ivy threw down onto his desk. Opening it fully and reading the contents within it, finding out the address to the club. Slamming the newspaper back down onto his desk as he aggressively ran his hands threw his hair.

"Looks like I don't really have a choice" Said Ezra to himself as he walked over to his coat rack by the door, picking up his black fedora.

Then grabbing his black trench coat he noticed a piece of paper had fallen out of it. Once Ezra hung the coat over his shoulders, he bent down to pick the piece of paper up. Seeing it was an old photo of him and his old partner. For the first time in while he didn't feel the anger he once did... was he actually finally feeling sorry for his old friend.

"I swear to Satan... I hope I don't see you tonight Cymbeline" Said Ezra as he looked up at the sky, sighing as he walked out of his office.

Locking the door and talking a long walk down the corridor. Hands in his pockets, eyes facing the ground, and his hat covering his face. The Private Eye is open for business...

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