Chapter 8: All's Well That Ends Well

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Driving down the streets, lights glowing in the mist of the ocean. Buildings becoming scarse as the three of them approached The Docks. Ezra's mind was still occupied with Cymbeline. Hoping... Praying... that Cymbeline was alive and James hadn't killed her. Knowing what he was like and what he could possibly do someone as frail as her. She could easily snap like a twig if the pressure was set in the right place.

"James's part of the Dock is just up ahead... it's best to keep distance" Said Xavier snapping Ezra completely out of his thoughts, putting the breaks on as he stopped the car.

"I don't mean to be rude... but we don't exactly blend in" Stated Evelyn as she looked over towards Ezra, none of them sure of a plan anymore.

"Exactly... we're going for a target practice... so grab a gun from the boot and stick close together" Said Ezra as he stepped out of the car, slamming the door shut as he went to the boot.

Quickly Evelyn and Xavier got out of the car, looking at each other astounded with what Ezra had just said.

"Ezra are you f**king crazy" Shrieked Evelyn as she stood by Ezra's side at the boot, while Xavier stood on the opposite side.

"Yeah... because I ain't losing another person I care about" Stated Ezra as he grabbed a gun and waved it in front of Evelyn, then grabbing another and waving it in front of Xavier.

"Sometimes you're just as f**king crazy as Cymbeline" Said Xavier as he grabbed the gun off Ezra, flicking the barrel out to see how many bullets he had.

Suddenly the three of them heard a scream from The Docks beside them. All of them could easily tell that it was Cymbeline. Filling Ezra with rage as he glanced over his shoulder towards The Docks. Loading the gun and starting to walk over to the entrance. With Xavier and Evelyn walking just behind him, having their backs pressed against the wall when the reached the archway to The Docks. Peaking his head around the corner to see what was going on. Seeing Cymbeline struggling in James's grip around her torso. Arm now with a river of blood trailing down it. Also seeing Ivy and Iris pinned against two other goones chest. Quickly Ezra stuck his head back around the wall, letting out a sigh he'd been holding in.

"Well how bad is it?" Questioned Evelyn as she looked up worried at Ezra, having no idea what he'd just seen.

"It's not looking good... he's already done something to Cymbeline... she's got blood running down her arm... Ivy and Iris are there and look physically unharmed... mentality most likely" Stated Ezra as he looked back at Evelyn and Xavier, not sure of their next moves now with so much on the line.

"So now what are we going to do... he's got three Hostages and an entire Dock of men working for him... and there's only three of us... you know we're f**ked right?" Said Xavier as he raised an eyebrow slightly, knowing they would be completely f**ked if they even showed their faces beyond the archway.

Suddenly the three of them heard sirens in the distance. Becoming louder and louder by the second. All three of them kept their eyes on the roads around them. Waiting to see what was happening and which service it was. Then from around the corner of a building. A fleet of Police Cars were driving towards The Docks. Making Ezra, Evelyn, and Xavier all share confused glances. Suddenly all of the cars stopped along The Docks. Officer after Officer stepped out of the cars. Armed and ready for anything that was coming their way.

Sergeant Scott caught a glimpse of Ezra, Evelyn and Xavier standing by the wall near the entrance of The Docks. Cautiously making their way over to the three of them, making sure that no one on the Docks caught a glimpse of him.

"Ezra what's going on?" Questioned the Sergeant as he stood beside Ezra, looking him dead in the eye as they waited for an answer.

"Cymbeline is injured and Ivy and Iris look unharmed from here" Answered Ezra as he looked the Sergeant dead in the eyes, not having any idea what plan they had come up with.

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