Chap 1

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The aircraft's above soured through the sky, dropping bombs which In turn hurtled to the ground before exploding. My feet stomping onto the ground while I ran throughout my abandoned house. The bombs throwing me off coarse as I ran.

'Where am I supposed to go? I have no shelter' I thought as I rushed out the back door and Into the back yard. Observing my surroundings, my eyes landed on a certain family. The Pevensies. The youngest, Lucy, was crying as she ran towards their shelter, her older sister, Susan, running just behind. Edmund ran behind Susan as Peter tailed them. Helen Pevensie leading the way.

"Peter!" I screamed as I began to run towards the family. The fellow fifteen year old stopped dead in his tracks before turning towards me.

Peter quickly ran towards me before grabbing hold of my hand with his left and beginning to run towards the shelter again.

"Hurry!" Helen Pevensie yelled just before her youngest yelled; "Mum!"

Just as we reached the shelter, Edmund spun around yelling "Wait! Dad!"

"Ed!" Peter yelled, grabbing a fist full of his younger brothers shirt whilst letting go of my own hand.

"Edmund, no!" Helen Pevensie yelled, taking hold of her youngest child.

"I'll get him!" Peter yelled throughout the noise before running after Edmund.

"Peter, come back!" Helen yelled desperately.

"Peter, Edmund!" I yelled, about to run forward before being pulled back by Susan.

"Ed! Come here!" Peter yelled as they entered the house.

Susan and I scampered into the shelter first before helping Lucy in. Helen went halfway in before turning around to wait for her boys.

A couple seconds later Helen yelled; "Come on!" She rushed down from the steps, "Hurry" she said letting the boys in. Edmund fell onto the ground while Peter stood in front of the door.

"Why can't you think of anyone but yourself?! You're so selfish!" Peter yelled, his temper near its full extent. "Y-you could've got us killed!"

"Stop it" Helen Pevensie nearly yelled, silencing Peter. "It's okay. Shh" She said to Edmund, though It was directed to everyone.

Helen took her youngest son into an embrace.

"Why can't you just do as you're told?" Peter asked quietly before closing the door.

Peter sat down a little ways away from the door, taking a deep breath as his eyes met mine. He gave me a small forced smile.

I shuffled over to Peters right. I took his right hand into my left as I rested my head against his shoulder. Peter took his hand away from my own before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and bringing me into his side, causing me to take my head away from his shoulder. He sighed quietly as he rested his head against my shoulder and closed his eyes. I smoothed his hair out before wrapping my right arm around his torso. After a couple minutes, Peter had drifted off to sleep as he ended up snuggling into my side, his head rested in the crook of my neck.

"How long have you liked Peter?" Lucy's innocent voice rang out, distracting me from the noise outside.

I cocked my head to the side, accidentally pushing Peters head. He snuggled closer as he readjusted his head into the crook of my neck again.

"What Lucy's trying to say is, how long have you fancied Peter?" Susan corrected before looking at her older brother.

I gently shook my head, careful not to move Peter.

Peter ended up pulling the both of us onto the ground, me half on top of him. Just as I was about to get up he pulled me back down and held me as close as he could as his body slept.

Like Water | The Chronicles Of Narnia | Peter Pevensie | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now