Chap 14

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"Peter" I said quietly, leaning my head against his shoulder as we walked slowly.

"Hmm?" He hummed in response, stopping us in the middle of our walk.

"Do you like anyone from Finchley? Well, like-like anyone" I asked, turning to him as he held my hands in his.

"Why do you ask that?" He retorts, looking into my eyes.

"Just wanted to know" I replied with a shrug, slightly disappointed.

"Why? Do you want to know if your handsome crush likes you back?" Peter teased, talking about himself. I blushed slightly as he rested his hands on my waist and leaned in, wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed lightly at him, covering my mouth.

I took my hand away and replied.

"Don't get too cocky, or your absolutely amazing crush might just start to ignore you" I teased back. This time, Peter blushed. I leaned closer to him, resting my hands on his shoulders.

I kissed Peters cheek, very close to his lips might I add - before skipping away from him.

"Hey!" Peter called, chasing after me as I began to run. "You can't just do that!"

The laughter from the Narnians who chatted in the field was like a memorie of home as I ran from Peter.

"Watch me!" I called back.

After a couple of minutes of Peter chasing me, he finally caught up. Peter tackled me to the ground before rolling me so that I was facing him. My eyes flickered to his lips an I swear his did the same. We slowly lent closer to each other, closing our eyes, our lips just about to touch.

"Peter!" Aslan's voice cut us off from our intimate moment.

Peter got off of me before helping me up to my feet. He sent me an apologetic smile before he hesitantly walked to Aslan.

I watched him go before sighing and walking to the tents. I sat down next to a tent and traced letters and words onto the grass with my finger. There was the sound of a tent flapping open and soft crunches of footsteps. A moment later, a lady dwarf was sitting in front of me.

"I saw your little moment with, King Peter" She said, smiling gently as her hair blew into her face.

The girl pushed her hair back but t blew into her face again. I smiled and handed her one of my spare hair ties. She thanked me before clumsily tying her hair back into a low ponytail.

"I'm Lillian, by the way" She said, plucking a small flower and putting it into my hand.

"Y/N. So, was it awkward to look at?" I asked, blushing slightly.

She smiled at me before shaking her head. "Not at all. I'm used to my sister doing that. Although, it was much less uncomfortable to watch you and Peters interaction"

I smiled awkwardly.

We talked for ages until a loud horn sounded.

Like Water | The Chronicles Of Narnia | Peter Pevensie | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now