Chap 7

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"Peter winds up, poised to take yet another wicket!" Peter commentated himself before throwing the ball.

A loud thump was heard before Edmund yelled;


"Whoops! Wake up, Dolly Daydream" Peter said with a smile and laugh before catching the ball.

"Why can't we play hide and seek again?" Edmund asked. Lucy shifted against me.

"I thought you said it was a kids game" Peter said, tossing the ball around in his hands.

"Besides, we could all use the fresh air" Susan said happily.

"It's not like there isn't air inside" Edmund replied rudely.

"Cover your ears, Lu" I mumbled, and she did just that. I turned to Edmund and the others. "Quit being a smart arse, Edmund!" I shouted.

Peter began to laugh where as Edmund and Susan glared my way, I grinned. Lucy uncovered her ears as she continued to read.

"Are you ready?" Peter asked after he recovered from his laughing fit.

"Are you?" Edmund asked, positioning himself.

Peter threw the ball. It hit the ground before going back up for Edmund to hit with the bat. Once the ball was hit, it began to move towards a window on the higher part of the house, smashing into the glass and inside. The glass shattered and a loud crash came from inside the room.


"Well done, Ed" Peter said, sarcasm dripping from each word.

"You bowled it!" Edmund complained.

"Yet, you hit it. And look where we are" I said before looking down at the statue.

"What on earth is goin' on up there?" Mrs. Macready's voice sounded from somewhere inside the house.

"The Macready" Susan warned.

"Come on!" Peter said just before we all began to run.

Down the twisty hallways, into cramped rooms, up stairs and finally into the room containing the wardrobe to Narnia.

"Come on!" Edmund said, ushering us to get inside after he had opened the wardrobe door.

"Oh, you've got to be joking" Susan said.

The footsteps seemed to get closer as Peter ushered us all inside the wardrobe.

"Get back" Peter hissed.

"My toe!" Lucy whimpered.

"I'm not on your toe!" Edmund replied.

"Hey, watch it!" I complained as someone hit my arm.

"Move back" Edmund complained.

"Will you stop shoving?" Peter scolded.

Everyone began to shout inside of the cramped area. Somehow, someway,  Susan, Peter, and I all went from the front, to the back and onto the ground. Susan and Peter landed on the ground, still sitting up, where as I landed on Peters lap.

After scuttling off of Peters lap, a light blush tinting my cheeks, we all turned around, got up, and stepped into Narnia.

Like Water | The Chronicles Of Narnia | Peter Pevensie | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now