Chap 20

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Peter sat on his stead, Oreius beside him and the Narnians. The rest of the Pevensies and I stood behind him and to the sides. Edmund and Mr. Beaver stood atop the cliff. A male Gryphon soured through the sky before swiftly landing next to Peter.

"They come, Your Highness, in numbers and weapons far greater than our own"

"Numbers do not win a battle" Oreius stated.

"No. But I bet they help" Peter said nervously.

Soon enough, Otmin, the Witch's main Minotaur, came atop the slant and let out a battle cry, calling apon the White Witch's army. Ghouls, Werewolves, Minotaurs, Giants, and all sorts of creatures came over the slant.

Two Polar Bears brought The White Witch onto the slant. She held her wand in one hand, the other leading the Polar Bears, a gold crown resting on her head and Aslan's mane across her top portion.

Peter unsheathed his sword and directed it to the White Witch. A horn sounded and we all let out our battle cries, taking out our weapons. Otmin roared and the White Witch's army drew their weapons while letting out their own battle cries.

The White Witch's army charged forward.

Peter made a motion with his sword, Gryphons flying into the new battle. Otmin yelled something which made the Witch's army look up. Soldiers from the Witch's Army began to fall as the Gryphons dropped small boulders. Gryphons started to fall as archers shot them down. One Gryphons screech made them turn back and come back to us.

"Are you with me?" Peter asked Oreius.

"To the death"

"For Narnia and for Aslan!" Peter yelled before our army charged forward.

And the the battle began.

Like Water | The Chronicles Of Narnia | Peter Pevensie | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now