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"Calm down, it's just me." A voice I didn't recognize answered me. I pondered on who it was as the crunching of leaves got closer. The air seemed to get colder as fear seeped into my mind. The leaves shadowed the sun making it difficult to see. Through the darkness, I could see a figure approaching me. It stepped out into a ray of sunlight and showed itself. It was Teddy. He saw me and smiled.

"What are you doing out of the slammer? Alby said you get out in the morning." He completely ignored my question and slowly walked up to me. The crunch of leaves was terrifying. Teddy stopped two feet in front of me and he tilted his head. His lips formed a mischievous smile and I backed up. I hit the tree behind me. I gasped as he rushed forward and pinned me to the tree.

I looked into his eyes and saw nothing at all. They were completely hollow. Before I knew it his lips were on mine. My eyes closed briefly before opening again. Push him off of you (Y/N). My mind screamed at me, but I couldn't. I was so scared that I didn't even realize I remembered my name. I stared off into space with my mind still screaming at me to push him off. Tears formed in my eyes as he continued to kiss me. He pulled away and I began crying as he stroked my cheek.

Two pairs of footsteps ran through the forest but Teddy was to occupied to notice. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see movement and I snapped out of my trance. I pushed him away and someone tackled him to the ground. I slid down the back of the tree, trying to slow my breathing. A pair of hands found their way to my shoulders. I looked up to see Frypan, face filled with worry. He hugged me without a word and started dragging me back out to the Glade. I looked back and saw Minho on top of Teddy with a blade pressed to his neck.

Frypan continued to lead me away from the scene. Gladers stared as we passed them and I hid in Frypans chest. A few of them snickered causing Frypan to tell them to slim it. He brought me into homestead and up to a bed in a room next to Newts. I laid down and buried my face into the pillow. Distant screams could be heard and I could only assume they were from Teddy. I heard whispering and someone stops by my bed. The person whispered "greenie" trying to get my attention.

"It's (Y/N)." My voice was cold but it didn't seem to matter to whoever was next to me. They sat on the bed and stroked my hair, continuously telling me that it would be okay. I recognized the voice to be Minho's. His voice lulled me into a deep deep sleep.

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