The Noise on The Roof

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"Okay, whatever you say Stephine" whispered Claire pulling the covers over her head.

I shoved the money, that i had spread out on the bed, into my pocket before turning the lights off and did the same. "Clink Clank".

"Huh what was that" i whispered looking at the clock.

"Two AM!" i whispered.

"Clink Clank" wheres the noise coming from i thought to myself. I carefully pushed the covers of my body and quietly rushed across the room to the boys door and creaked it open.

"Nothing" i whispered to myself closing the door quickly and quietly.

I looked over at Claire who was completely out of it. No help there i thought to myself "Clink Clank" the noise again but it was coming from the roof.

"Ugh, ill just tell them in the morning" i whispered tip toeing back to my bed and pulled the covers back over me.

"BEEP BEEP" the alarm clock rang telling everyone to get up. I woke up and stretched my arms out above my head.

"Good morning" said Travis coming into the room it was obvious he had just woke up too.

"Where's Grant?" i asked trying to peer threw there door.

"What? No good morning" he said his smile disappeared.

"Oh,bI'm sorry good morning" i said with a smile.

He just smiled in amusement and laid down next to me his warm body against mine so comforting then Grant came in.

"Aw come on first thing in the morning!" he complained.

Then he saw Claire and smiled.

"You know she looks kinda cute when she's not yelling at me" he said.

Just then Claire woke up and saw him.

"Ahhhhhhh" she screamed and fell out of her bed.

"Well good morning to you to" said Grant sarcastically as his smile disappeared.

"Oh, sorry Grant" she said getting up of the floor. Grant's eyes widened and jaw dropped.

"Whats his problem" said Claire starting to make her bed.

"I guess he wasn't expecting an apology" said Travis getting up off my bed.

"Come on Grant we need to let the girls get ready" said Travis walking over to him.

Grants cheeks got really red as he snapped out of it.

"Uh ya" he said following Travis out of the room.

I wanted to lie in bed a little bit longer soaking up Travis's sent of cologne but i had to get ready for the day and figure out how i was gonna explain the noise on the roof i had heard the night before.

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