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I'll let you know when to play the song!

Hannah Raine

Wow ... it's been a long ride. We've travelled to 16 different countries, including; most places in Europe, Japan, China, Australia, Iceland, Brazil and Canada. I've had so much fun over the past 6 months, and I can't believe the day has come. It's the day of the final show. As much as I was going to miss being on tour, I was kinda glad to be going home. Also, did I forget to mention that it was my birthday!!??

I haven't seen much of Ethan and Grayson today, and neither had Emma. We were sat in the green room of the venue of the show, this time we were in the United Kingdom. Most of our fans were either based in the US, or the UK, so we love coming here.

"I'm getting really worried!" Emma started to panic frantically. It rubbed off on me and I was getting really worried, "me too! Like they could answer my texts and calls, but no, they're not! And it's also a nice birthday present, isn't it?" I get saying to myself that everything is fine, and that they'll be back soon for the meet and greet, but it wasn't working. I was constantly trying to get a hold of Grayson, and Emma was doing the same with Ethan. We still had nothing. What are we going to do?

Grayson Dolan

Today is such a nerve-racking day for me. It's the day I'm proposing to Hannah, on her birthday as well! Wow, it has come around quick, but I'm also really excited to be doing it! Ethan, Rachel and I have been planning it all day. Me and Ethan have ignored Hannah and Emma's texts and calls all day to make sure that it will be perfect. We felt bad for not telling them what we were doing, especially Hannah, as it was her birthday. However, they'll find out sooner or later.

"So, let me read out the final plan," Rachel wanted to make sure it would go smoothly. She is so excited herself. She's been working with Hannah for nearly 5 years, since the start of her career, and she can't wait to see Hannah at her happiest. "So, you two and Emma will do your set as usual, and then Hannah will start her's. She'll do her first 6 songs, and then Ethan will walk out placing a chair at the side of the stage, telling her to sit down and stay there. We will then play the video, and once it has finished, you'll do your thing." She looked at me. I was blushing like crazy, I'm so nervous ... "Right, we better get back to the girls before they call the police!" Me and Ethan chuckled, before we thanked Rachel and went up to the green room.

Hannah Raine

"Ahhhhh! You scared me!" 

"That's not funny!"

Both Ethan and Grayson ran into the room, scaring the hell out of me and Emma. "Where the hell have you two been?" Emma was definitely as mad at the twins as I was. "We just had to take care of some important stuff." Ethan said. "And what might that be?" I raised and eyebrow. "None of your business!" Grayson said as he pulled me up and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Oh, and happy birthday! I love you!" He pecked me on the lips and pulled me in tighter.


The twins and Emma had just finished their set, and got back to wish me good luck before the stage was cleared and set up for my set. For some reason, Grayson seemed really quiet, "hey, you okay?" I said rubbing his arm, "yeah, just tired." Grayson is never tired until at least 11pm, and right now its 9pm. Something is definitely up, but I didn't say anything, I just nodded. Rachel handed me my microphone, and I made my way to the bottom of the stage, where I stood on the platform.


It started to rise, as I started to sing my song, Arrow ...

"As long as I remember ...

I couldn't hold the line ...

In the world of boxes ...

I just couldn't fit inside ...

My heart was saying ...

There must be something else ...

Out there waiting ...

Where I could be myself ..."

By this time, I had risen to the top. The crowd screaming, and singing the words. I started to walk down the stairs of my set, towards the crowd. My backing dancers started to come on and soon as I sang the line, "I am an arrow!", the smoke machines and confetti cannons were going off, causing the crowd to scream even louder! I knew this was going to be the best night yet ...

 My backing dancers started to come on and soon as I sang the line, "I am an arrow!", the smoke machines and confetti cannons were going off, causing the crowd to scream even louder! I knew this was going to be the best night yet

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I had just finished singing my song Perfectly, when Ethan walked on the stage holding a microphone and a chair. "Hey everyone!" The crowd screamed. He put the chair down at the side of the stage, in a way that whoever sat there could be seen by the crowd, but they were also facing away from the crowd. "I forgot something, hang on." He ran off the stage, causing me to throw my hands in the air, rolling my eyes, "sorry everyone! I really don't know what's going on right now, this hasn't happened before." I chuckled, and everyone in the audience laughed too. By the time I had stopped talking, Ethan had set his phone up on a tripod at the other of the stage, and he was on Instagram live? I was really confused. "Hannah, please could you sit on the chair?" He pointed over to the chair, as he spoke in a really weird, posh voice. "May I ask why?" I asked back in a silly, posh voice. "Just sit down!" He said. After, he just ran off the stage, leaving me sat on a chair, on his Instagram live, with about 10,000 people behind me. Suddenly the lights when down, and a video played on the screen in front me, causing the crowd to ooh...

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