Forty Three

128 2 3

**Podcast Episode 1 (H = Hannah, G = Grayson, E = Ethan, Em = Emma, A = all)

**intro music (play song throughout)**

G: Hey guys and welcome to the Dolan Scoop!

E: A podcast where we talk about whatever!

H: That's right! (giggling)

Em: Why do you guys sound like you're TV presenters? (laughing)

(Both Ethan and Grayson shrug their shoulders before continuing on.)

E: Today we're going to be doing an exciting challenge!

Em: We're doing Couple VS Couple! And obviously me and Ethan are going to win! Ethma for the win!

G: Ummmm no! Hayson are going to win! (Hugging Hannah as they both smile)

H: Okay. So me and Emma are going to take it in turns to ask you both questions and then we'll switch.

Em: Yep. And the couple with the most points at the end wins, but there's not prize. (Slightly laughing and shrugging shoulders)

G + E: Okay!

H: I'll go first! Grayson, how did we meet?

G: Well, me and Ethan met you and Emma through YouTube at the same time.

H: Correct!

Em: Whatever, it's our turn now. You better get this one right babe. If we were to eat out tonight, where would we be going?

E: Easy, anywhere that does sushi.

Em: Correct!

H: They were just easy starter questions anyway. (Emma nods). Okay, next question; what is my shoe size?

G: I think ... you're size 7 (UK size 5)!?

H: Why you look so scared? (laughs) It's correct.

G: Phew! (chuckles)

Em: Okay, Ethan, what is my middle name?

E: Easy! It's Frances!

Em: Yep!

H: Okay our turn! You better get this one right! What is my ideal date night? Like the full shenanigan.

G: Well you love eating at an Italian restaurants so that would be first.

H: Yep.

G: Then, you'd want to get ice cream from an ice cream parlour.

H: Uh huh.

G: Then a walk on the beach with the ice cream.

H: Correct!

E: That's only because you've done that before.

H: Well Emma picked the questions I was asking Grayson and I picked yours.

E: Whatever smarty pants. (Sees Lucas reaching for the microphone.) Lucas, go back and play with Ava please.

L: Okay daddy!

A but E: (laughing)

G: Bet you love being called that Lucas can talk. (chuckling)

E: Just wait until Ava can talk. (winks)

Em: Last question for you E and then you two can ask us some questions.

E: Okay.

Em: What sport did me and Hannah do when we were younger?

E: Gymnastics right? (slightly unsure)

Em: No, we did cheerleading babe, you know that.

E: Oh yeah, sh*t, sorry babe.

Em: It's okay.

E: Let's just hope that Hannah gets one of the questions wrong that I have Grayson.

H: We are right here you know. (waving)

G: Hannah, first question. It's an easy starter one. Do I prefer pizza or burgers?

H: That's easy? You literally love both! But I'm going to guess pizza.

G: Yes! That's right!

E: Okay Emma. What's my favourite place to go on vacation to?

Em: That's hard because you love Colorado because of the snow but then you love Hawaii too. I'm going to say Hawaii.

E: Yep!

Em: Good. (chuckles)

G: Next question, how many children do I want in total?

H: I think I know but you better not have gone higher because I don't want more than 4 Gray. You want 4 maximum.

G: Yep! 3 or 4.

Em: Hannah's going to be a busy lady (giggles)

(Hannah punches Emma on the arm)

Em: That hurt, but whatever lol.

E: Emma, do I ever wish I was living back In New Jersey?

Em: Yes but no at the same time. Yes because you love it there and that's where you grew up, but no because you love LA too and it's where Gray is.

E: I literally wrote that word for word, look. (laughing and shocked)

G: Stop showing off man. Anyway, next question. Hannah, what do I like the most about you?

H: Ummmm. I don't even know Gray. (chuckles.) I'm just going to say being adventurous because I love travelling and trying new things.

G: Correct!

H: Really?

(Grayson shows Hannah the answer on the card)

H: Okay then (raising one eyebrow trying to look smart)

Em: Stop being so smug!

E: They've won anyway babe, but let's see if you can get this one right. What would I eat everyday if I could?

Em: That's easy! Vegan banana bread with chocolate chips.

E: Yep!

G: Ha! We still won!!!!!!!

H: We're the better couple!

Em: He only got gymnastics and cheer mixed up though.

E: To be fair, they are completely different.

E: Yeah, whatever (chuckles)

G: Well the kids are getting agitated to I think we should wrap this thing up!

E: Yep! Thankyou guys for listening and make sure to watch the bloopers on our new shared YouTube channel, Life With The Dolans.

G: It was originally mine and Hannah's channel but it's now for all four of us! So enjoy!

H: Oh! One more thing, I have a new album coming out on Friday at midnight so make sure you watch out for it!

Em: Thankyou guys for listening! We'll chat with you next time!

A: Peace!

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