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Hannah Dolan
I can't believe it's been a week since I became Mrs Dolan, it's crazy!

Me and Grayson have been back and forth, getting bits for Ethan and Emma as they're expecting the baby anytime soon. Emma's really struggling. She can barely walk meaning that Ethan has to help her get around the house all the time.

Today, it's no different. We're going over to their house again, to keep them company.

"You nearly ready?" Grayson shouted from downstairs.

"Just putting my socks on!" I replied. As soon as I walked downstairs, I grabbed my plain vans and my coat, and met Grayson in the car.

It didn't take us long to get there, as the twins have never wanted to live too far away from each other.

As we knocked on the door, we heard Ethan shout, "just come in!" Both me and Grayson looked at each other with a confused look before opening the door and being in shock. Emma was sat on the stairs with water dripping down her legs, while Ethan was stuffing clothes into a suitcase.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"M-m-my water-r-r bro-k-k-e" Emma said, clearly in pain.

"Here, let me help you up." Grayson said as he helped Emma up off of the stairs. "I'll put her in the back of our car." He said to Ethan.

As Grayson helped Emma into our car, I quickly knelt down beside Ethan, helping him put in the last few items into the suitcase.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"No, I'm not ready for this! I'm so freakin' nervous and I'm not even the one having the baby." Ethan said in a very panicky voice.

"Hey, stop panicking okay. You're finally going to be a dad, something you've wanted to be for a while now, and the day has finally come. You need to stop worrying and help Emma because she's in a lot of pain right—" And just as I was about to finish my sentence, Grayson came running in.

"Bro, we need to go now!" He shouted.

"Okay. Thankyou Hannah." I nodded as Ethan picked up the suitcase and we all rushed out the door.

"OOOUUUCCHHHHH!" Emma screamed, "CAN YOU NOT DRIVE ANY FASTER?" Ethan tried to calm her down but it wasn't working.

"I'm going as quick as I can. We're almost there." Grayson replied.

"Just focus on your breathing okay." Ethan said, Emma nodded and started breathing really heavily.

He soon pulled up to the hospital, Ethan and Grayson helping Emma out of the car as I grabbed the suitcase and ran to reception.

"My sister-in-law is in labour, Emma Dolan"

"Just take the elevator to level 9, and it's the first room on your right." The receptionist said, going over to the elevators.

"Thankyou." I saw the twins come in with Emma in between their arms. I motioned them over to the elevators and one opened as soon as they got to me. We got to level 9 and I walked over to the reception area.

"Hi. My sister-in-law, Emma Dolan, is in labour." I said pointing over to her, still being supported by both Ethan and Grayson.

"Okay, can you follow me?" The lady said, showing us into a room. Emma was quick to sit on the bed and put her feet up. "You need to put these clothes on Mrs Dolan, and then just lie on the bed and I'll get your midwife for you, okay?"

"Yep." Emma said motioning over to me to help her up. I took her to the bathroom and helped her put her hospital clothes on. "Thankyou." She said.

"It's okay" I replied.

"Can you and Gray stay in the room with me and E for the whole time. We're both really nervous and we need you here to support us." She asked as I pulled her robe up.

"Of course. I'll always be here for you, and so will Gray." She nodded, and then we walked back out before Emma led our on the bed. I sat down next to Grayson and rested my head on his shoulder, "she wants us to stay here with her and E for the whole thing" I whispered.

Grayson soon sat up and looked at me with a surprised expression on his face. "Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes. She said that they're both not ready, and they've already talked about having us here." He nodded and tapped his shoulder signalling for me to put my head there again.

"Hello Mrs Dolan. This is very exciting!" The midwife said.

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