Chapter 25

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Angel must have sat outside Campbell's house for hours waiting for the sun to set before making his move. His car was still in the driveway which was part of why Angel watched so closely, he didn't want Campbell to run. He had to know he has a target on his back it was only a matter of time before he took off. While he waited, Angel decided to make a difficult but necessary phone call.


"Holly," he cleared his throat, "It's Angel."

"Angel," her voice tinged with concern. "If you're calling something has to be wrong," she said nervously.

"No one called you?"

"No," she inhaled sharply. "Is Zara okay?"

"Zara's okay, she uhh, she fell and uhh, she lost the baby," his voice wavered and cracked as he said the words out loud.

Holly gasped. "Oh honey, I'm sorry," she said as she began to cry.

"Me too," he said quickly. "I know she hates me but I thought you should be here, she's gonna need someone and I don't think the people she's with now are good for her."

"Bob and I are coming," she said hastily. "Who is she wi-"

"Holly, I gotta go," Angel said hanging up as a light flicked on in Campbell's house. "Motherfucker." Before getting off his bike Angel blessed himself then stealthily made his way to the house and around to the back.

The bilco doors where Zara had made her escape earlier were still open so Angel crept in quietly. He saw a small pool of blood at the bottom of the basement stairs as he made his way further into the house. He found Campbell sitting at the small kitchen table, head in his hands, some papers scattered around him.

"What did you do to Zara?" Angel asked him.

"Fuck," Campbell jumped from the chair. "Jesus Christ. What the fuck?"

"What did you do?" Angel hollered, grabbing Campbell by the neck and slamming him into the wall. Angel's gun was inches from Campbell's face, his eyes focused on the barrel as he sniveled.

"It was an accident!" He stuttered, struggling against Angel. "We got into a fight about the videos, my work for Galindo. I grabbed her and we both fell down the steps."

"You grabbed her and that fall fucking killed the baby," he squeezed Campbell's neck tighter. "You killed our baby over this Galindo bullshit!"

"What?" Campbell's eyes bulged. "No man, no, it was an accident! I'm sorry! Look, just don't kill me. I can help you."

"Help me?" Angel snarled. "How you gonna help me?"

"The footage," he said breathlessly, "The pictures. All the shit I have of you and Adelita. It's what Zara wanted. It's why we were fighting," he blabbed, "I was gonna use it but I'll give it to you. All of it. I swear, just don't fucking kill me, man."

Angel released his grip as the realization of what had happened crashed into him. Zara was protecting him from Galindo, because of his choices and the people he placed trust in.

"Get it," Angel ordered Campbell. "All of it."


"Yeah, don't miss anything or I'll come back here and kill you," Angel warned.

Campbell scurried off, haphazardly gathering the papers and hard copies of what he had, and handed them over to Angel who was still in shock. Placing his gun on the table be skimmed through them, every single picture was a death sentence, he came very close to an undoubtedly painful demise.

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