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It has been a few days since the club incident happen. Your nightmare it getting worse in one night you have multiple nightmares. After the nightmare you were too scare to fall back to sleep. You hated the nightmare. You didn't tell Jin yet since you don't want him to worry.

You were just packing up after class until Professor Chen approach you. Professor was like your second father, when you just moved here he would come over to you and Jin house. He would often take you to the park and buy you foods.

Professor Chen: Y/n can you help me take down some of the decoration for the party. Since it already over.
Y/n: Oki

You were on the ladder climbing up to the light to clean up the confetti.
You look down at Mr. Chen. He picks up the phone and his eye wided open while he answered.
Mr. Chen: Yea okay okay. I'm coming.
He quickly put his phone away.
Mr. Chen: Can you help me clean up. My wife is laboring right now I need to go. Here the key makes sure to lock everything up.
You just nodded as respond. You watch him walk away to the parking. You continue what you doing.

Yoongi P.O.V
Jin plotted down to the ground. We all were sweating from the practice we have been doing for the past hours.
Jin: We worked hard today. Does anyone want barbecue? I have been craving for barbecue since Monday. As the team captain I will treat everyone.
Everyone was so happy. The boys all agree to go including me.
Taehuyng: Anyone see Y/n?
Jin: Oh she helped Mr. Chen to clean up the party. She in the performance room, she texted me a few hours ago. Yoongi can you get her in performance room. Since you are new you should take a looks around.
I nodded and headed to the performance room.

Y/n P.O.V
You were still on the ladder trying to take off the night light. It was not a good idea your head started spinning. You gave up on cleaning and trying to climb down slowly. You eye was half open and half close. You widen your eye when you miss a step.
Y/n: Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
You scream in terrified. You was expecting your body to hit the floor hard. But it was somebody arm. You slowly open your eye. Your eye locked with his. Your heart beating 100mph per minute.  You both locked eye with each other for a couple of minutes.
Y/n: I must be heavy right! Can I go down?
He put me down gently.
Yoongi: You okay? Your shaking.
I looked at my hand it was shaking.
Y/n: Yea I'm fine. Why are you here? Aren't you suppose to be at the basketball practice?
Yoongi: We finished and Jin wanted to go eat. He send me over here to get you.
He said as he put his hand in his pocket. He helped you cleanup and locked everything up.

You guy walk back to the basketball court. The atmosphere was full of silent and awkwardness. You broke it.
Y/n: I hope you don't mind about yesterday.
Yoongi: Yesterday?
Y/n: Oh I mean on Saturday and Sunday. Just pretend like nothing happen.
He slightly nodded and hump as his answer.

After dinner you just went to you room and take a warm shower. Wear your pajamas and go to sleep.

Y/n: Please stop, stop..stop
I'm begging you.
Y/n: H-help
The man started

You flinch up in cold sweat. You take your face into your hand. You hated the nightmares. The nightmares haunts you. You got up and went to the bathroom. You  slash water on your face to refresh. You stared at your reflection in the mirror. You breath in and out. You walk back to the bed and try to get some more sleep.

*A Few Hours Later*
You were rolling around in bed trying to get some sleep. You couldn't get that image out of your head. You look at the clock it 2:03 AM. You get up and went for a jog to tired yourself.

You don't know how many lap you have run around the park. But the image was still in your head. Your lip now dry up ffrom the dehydration. Eventually, your body gives up before your head. The last thing you feel was your body collapse on the floor and everything turn black.

Yoongi POV
*A Few Hour Later*
Y/n: S-stop, stop
I look over to Y/n she was sweating and mumbling. I shake her arm to wake her up.
Yoongi: Y/n, y/n
I continue to shake her arm but a bit stronger. A tear started to appear in the corner of her eye. Her eye was closing tightly as her fist clutched into a ball. She flinch up breathing heavily and started crying. She hugged me tightly, I didn't know what to do to comfort her. I just rubbed her back.
Yoongi: Is okay. It just a nightmares.
I continue to rub her back. I could feel my shirt getting wet by her tear. I was about stand up and get her a tissue. She grabbed my wrist, I turn and look her.
Y/n: Don't..stay..please
I nodded

I feel safer with him, with Yoongi. When he started to stand up. It feel weird, I feel like, I miss something. I missed his warm feeling. I feel the butterflies in my stomach. But at the same time it felt good. Have I growth feeling for him?

I felt asleep by his warmth. It was the best sleep I ever have this past few day. We sleep for the whole day. Since I need to recover from the sleep that I miss this past few days. My head rested, knowing if I have nightmares someone going to wake me up.

Author POV
*7 PM*

Y/n: Wow!
She was impressive by the view.

Y/n: How did you find these place? Is amazing! Yoongi: I founded this place while I was driving from Deagu to Seoul

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Y/n: How did you find these place? Is amazing!
Yoongi: I founded this place while I was driving from Deagu to Seoul.
Y/n: You from Deagu? I hear Deagu is a beautiful city and is al-
Yoongi: Beautiful city but not many beautiful people.
A/n: He mean personality okay!
You look at him in confused. He sighed.
Yoongi: I don't know why I'm telling you this but whatever... A few years ago, I founded my passion. I thought my family was going to support me...but no. My parent never supported me, they never believe that I could be successful.
He looks down after he finish.
Y/n: My dad too, he is a huge businessman. He want me to be the heirs of his company. But I don't want too, in business you kill each other to survive...I wanted to be a surgeon ...A doctor who could help people. I believe in myself that I could do it. So I believe in you, you could do it too!
She held his hand and raise up.
Y/n: You could do it!
All he did was just smile. She smile at him. His heart fluster with that simple sentence and smile. That smile was full of support and happiness. He didn't know that behind that smile was insecure and sadness.
Y/n: It look nice here.
She said turning to look at Yoongi. But he was already staring at her. They locked eye with each other and slowly lean in. They both felted the butterflies in there stomach.

Hello 👋

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Congratulations 🎈
You have any question you could just ask me or if you don't get anything your welcome to ask me. ♥️

Just look at him

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Just look at him.
Cutie 💖
Peace ✌️💜

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