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Hi guy!
This chapter it just about how they have fun and stuff

Y/n POV           |  Yoongi POV
A wide smile   |I was smiling
appears on |like an idiot
my face as I | the whole
remembered. | way driving
My first kiss |home. I took
I took a |a hot shower
a shower and | and went to
hopped on | bed. The bed
to my bed. | sheet still
Suddenly feel | smell like her.
the coldness | I try to go to
of being | bed. But I
alone. I was | couldn't get
rolling in bed | Y/n off my
trying to find |mind.
| End of Yoongi

I was rolling in bed trying to find a comfortable position. But after a few minutes that feel like hours. I gave up!

Are you still awake?
I'm outside your door
open up.

Yoongi P.O.V
Y/n she was standing outside of my apartment. She was wearing a black hoodie and black legging.
Y/n: I can't sleep...can you?
I shake my head lightly.

*A Few Hours Later*

Y/n: Watch and learnYou stand up, holding a bowling ball

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Y/n: Watch and learn
You stand up, holding a bowling ball. You got into your position and you throw the ball. The ball betrayed you, it went straight to gutter.
Yoongi: Yea, sure watch and learn.
He stand up grabbing a bowling ball. He walk near the edge and throw it.

You couldn't believe your eye. You both were surprise. Your mouth drop to the floor. He turn around looking at you with a smirk. He laugh in satisfied.

The rest of the night went on, the night was full of laughing and goofing around. You both played bowling until 5 A.M.
Yoongi: Home?
Y/n: Your house
You didn't want to sleep alone, you didn't feel safe. Plus Yoongi is way warmer then your heater at home.

You both were cuddling. His arm was on your waist and his leg was in between your inner thigh. He feel so warm, I feel his hand brush my hair softly. Then you feel his soft lip on your forehead. Your heart started to beating like crazy. You feel butterflies in your stomach it feel weird but at the same time, it feels good. He pulls you closer to his chest. You too drifted to sleep.

You woke up by the sound of the door closing. Yoongi was probably in restroom. You lay their in bed for a few more minutes and then got up. Yoongi was showering, you were checking out his room. His desk was full of paper. You pick up the paper, and it was full of writing.

Song: So Far Away
It suck when you don't have anything you want to do (you don't have)
I know it's pathetic to not have something common as a dream, I know
"You said to do as I'm told, that it would fine when I go to university"
I'm the asshole for believing those words
I live because I can't die

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