-sad ending-

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Messages To Bears
You Are a Memory

A long beeeeeep
was heard

A doctor walk out
Doctor: I'm-I'm sorry I couldn't save her. S-She lost a lot of blood.
Yoongi stood up and ran into the ER. He founded her bed, he slowly walk in. She wasn't breathing. Tear slid down his eye uncontrollably. Yoongi now was by her bed side. He slowly reach his hand out and stroked her cheek. The other also rush in.
Yoongi: Y/n... Y/n... no...She just sleeping, she just sleeping right!
He look at Jin and the other with teary eye.
Yoongi: Jin Tell me she just sleeping right? She just s-sleeping.
He falls down on his knee.
Yoongi: Y/n please wake up. I'm begging you. Don't leave me here again.

Y/n: I'm going to need to stitch.
She said looking up at me.

That how I met her.

Y/n: Ahhh
I stared at her and open my mouth. She was focusing on my mouth. She looks cute when she does that. My lip naturally curve.

When I got sick
That the first time my heart flusters.

I shake her arm a bit stronger. She flinch up and hugged me. For sudden moment I froze, somewhere in my heart tell me to protect her.

My heart

She said turn to look at me. But I was already staring at her. They locked eye with each other and slowly lean in. They both felted the butterflies in there stomach.


I started tickling her.


In the middle of the room was Y/n holding the cake. The light of the candle highlighted her beauty.

Everything break when... I-I cheated


Today is her funeral, I locked myself in the room.

Hugging my knee and cry.

I couldn't accept it, I couldn't accept that she was gone.

I blame myself.
If she didn't meet me.

She wouldn't have going through all these pain.

If she didn't meet me s-she wouldn't...


Few Months Later
The wind was strong and was blowing through my body.  I take small steps, I stop when I see.

Kim Y/n
"I'm alway by your side"

I place the rose on her tombstone and fall onto my knee. I cry my eye out.

I'm sorry

I'm sorry I couldn't protect you

Y/n comeback to me


This past few months I was alway by his side.

I know he hasn't been eating will.

I know people try to take care of him but he keep pushing them away.

I sat there next to Yoongi.

I know he can't see me but hopefully he can feel me.

I want to wipe his tears.

But my hand just go through him.

I want to hug him.

But my body just go through him.

The rain pour down heavily.

That doesn't seem like it was affecting him.

Y/n: Yoongi you should go before you get sick.

I know he can't hear me but... at least I'm trying.

He been here for hours. I know his body going to give up on him.

His body drop to the floor. I could feel the hotness on his forehead. If the rain keep pouring down like this he going to get sick.

You desperately try to shout for him, trying to grab him and pull him to a dry place. Nothing work until this one last scream something change. You could feel his weight on your hand. You could feel the pain in your back again. You try to forget it and drag him to a dry house.

You called the ambulance and you disappear again.

Yoongi wake up in the hospital and he dream that he saw Y/n dragging him to a dry place and call the police. Before she left she said.
Y/n: Forget me...and move on.
I will alway be your side.
She give him one last smile and disappear.

She was his truly first love and last love.

He was her first love and last love.

Ever since than he continue he with his career. Y/n will alway be in his heart.

Even tho Y/n die. But she was alway by his side and alway protecting him.

The End

Hello 👋
Don't worry Happy Ending is coming either today or tomorrow.


Min Yoongi become heartless peaches 🍑

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Min Yoongi become heartless peaches 🍑

I luv u ♥️


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