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A Few Years Later
Y/n: No give me my phone back!
Chanyeol: Ahh I see you, you want to go out dinner Y/n? Oh I don't know, sure.
He fake a girl voice
Y/n: Shut up mom is right there. Give me my phone back!
Chanyeol: Tell me who is he?
Y/n: No one he is a patience, he want to invite me to dinner to said thank you.

How is your life great! Your mom have founded the best therapist in your life. She helped you to get move on and live a great life. Your now a a surgeon/ doctor. Your two brother is truly crack head, but you still love Jin. They both suck at cook.
Baekhuyn: oh my brain hurt!
Me and Chanyeol stop fighting and look at Beakhuyn.
Y/n and Chanyeol: Here we go again.
You both sat down on the sofa and watch Baekhuyn going through his mental breakdown.

Baekhuyn the oldest out of all, he have mental breakdown every 2 week.

Y/n: You know sometime I think he also need a therapist.
You whispered to Chanyeol while your eye still glued to Baekhuyn.
Chanyeol: He is kuku!
Y/n and Chanyeol: Hahahahah! Let go watch movie!
You both stand up and walk into the theater room.


Jin: Finnaly after 5 years. How does it feel? How does it feel when you get cheat on? So now you finally come up to me and ask where Y/n. Let me tell you something  Y/n have always loved you with her whole heart. It you who is so fucking selfish, who couldn't give her time...You know that when she was young she got rape. She didn't want to tell you because she was ashamed of it. Yoongi-ahh it too late, even I don't know where she is.
Jin bumped Yoongi shoulder while walk away. Leaving Yoongi speechless.




Cigarettes (Feat. Tablo, MISO)
A/N: This is what I listened to when I write this chapter. I recommend you listen to this while reading.



The sound of the EKG heart rate monitor echo to your ear. You wash your hand and put on your glove. You take a deep breath and began the surgery.
Y/n: Scalpel
The nurse handed you the Scalpel. You take another deep breath. You place the tip of Scalpel on the marker mark. You lightly press down on the patience skin, the blood began to flow out. You slide the scalpel follow along marker mark. The nurses began to clean up the blood and place the forceps in.
Y/n: Saws
You place your hand out. The nurse handed you the saws. You began to cut another layer of skin. The thickest layer of skin Epidermis.

A Few Hours Later
You got to the low beating heart. Another deep breath was taken by you. You began to remove the low beating heart.





You carefully put the heart into the tray. The nurse open the box. A beating heart in it, you carefully place the beating heart into the patience chest.
Y/n: You got this.
You whispered to yourself.
You began to sew back the healthier heart into place.






The sound echo to your ear once again. You sew back the patience skin.

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