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Recommend Listening to Daddy Issue by the Neighborhood (instrumental)

Breaking News
This morning 7 AM we have founded a lifeless girl laying in the street corner. Her body full with bruise. She have gotten into a hospital near by. We still looking for her family members.

Jin turned the TV off.
Jin: You know where Y/n?
Jin turned to Jungkook.
Jungkook: Probably at the shared house with Yoongi.
Jin sighed
Jin: Was it a good choice for Y/n to chose Yoongi?
Jungkook: You should have let her pick me.
Jin: Look at y-

Jin: Hello?
???: Hello is this Kim Seokjin?
Jin: Yes
???: Your sister is in the hospital, she is not in her right stages right now! It would be great if you come and calm her down.

I rushed to the door right away after the call ended. Jungkook followed me, I could see the confusion on his face.

They arrived at the hospital in no time.
Jin: How is she?
Doctor: She been crying ever since she woke up. She didn't let anyone touch her. She currently not in her right stage right now. I believe that she fall asleep already.
Jin: Is she Okay?
Doctor: She have bruises all over her body. You could come in but be quite let her sleep.

Jin step in the room quietly so as Jungkook. Y/n wasn't sleeping, her knee up to her chest hugging herself while sobbing. Jin quietly walk over to Y/n bedside, she flinch as he patted her head. She look up to him, her eye was red and puffy.
Y/n: Who are you?
Jin: Is me Jin?
She shouted at Jin.
Jin: Y/n is me Jin? Jin your brother? Please? I'm here for you.
Jin tear slide down his cheek. It hurt to see his sister like this.
A few nurse rush into the room. They held Y/n down and injected a needle into her arm. While the other nurse started pushing Jin and Jungkook out. The room suddenly got quite, all the nurse walk out.
Jin: What did you do to her?
Jin held the nurse arm.
Nurse: It nothing
Jin: TELL ME?!
He tighten his grip.
Nurse: It-it a thing to paralyze her brain for a temporary time.
He slowly releases his grip, the nurse quickly walk away.

The other guy arrived shortly after. All the guy were just sitting outside waiting. Everyone was there except Yoongi. Jin asked the guy to stay outside.

On the other side of the room was Y/n sobbing on her brother neck.

Just staring at the food in front of her. The spoon touches her mouth.
Jin: Y/n please come on? You haven't eat anything this past day.
Y/n: Leave me alone!
She turn her back facing him and pulled the blanket over her head and started sobbing quietly. This happen everyday  for a week. Nightmares every night, red eye every morning.

Jin: Yes dad?
His back was facing me. He sigh before speaking.
Dad: Y/n future would be brighter in England.
Jin: But
Dad: I alway have thought about it, it just that I never got a reason to bring her over there. Her mom want to take her back anyway! Oxford University is the best over there her mom will help her with her mental illness.
Jin: Dad b-
Dad: Don't tell Y/n or anyone, let her rest.
He left Jin standing there.

The food is infront of me. But not a single piece of myself wanted to eat. I heard the door open, I slowly look up.
Y/n: Yoongi?
He slowly take a few step toward me.
Y/n: You finally came to said sorry!
You said with a smile appear on your face. He take a deep breath before speaking.

Yoongi: Let broke up!
Tear slide down your face immediately.
Y/n: No, no Yoongi. What d-did I do wrong? If-if I hurt you, I'm sorry.
You grabbed his hand.
Y/n: Yoongi please?
He yanked his hand away from you.
Yoongi: Were done
He started walking toward the door. You got off the bed and hug him from behind.
Y/n: Please! Please! Don't leave me. 
Your face was full of tear. He push you down to the floor and started walking. You have no choice but to hug his leg.
Y/n: Yoongi? I can't live without you, you know it really hard for me to sleep without you. Yoongi please?
He started walking again. You hugged his leg tighter as tear continue to slide down your cheek uncontrollably.
Y/n: Please I'm begging you? Please?
Y/n: Please Yoongi, Yoongi I can't do this. Please Yoong-.
With a strong and quick move he finally, got you off of his leg. He ran out, left you there sitting on the cold floor crying. Just crying your heart out, you don't get it.
What did I do wrong?

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