-happy ending-

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Light flooded into your sight as you heard the beep, beep sound echoing into you ear. Your back is terribly hurt. You blink a few time trying to adjust the brightness. You feel something tickle your hand. You look down, Yoongi was resting his head on your hand. You lip naturally curve, your other hand play with his hair.
He slowly open his eye and attack's you with a hug. You heard a sniff.
Y/n: A-are you crying?
Yoongi: I thought I was going to lose you.
He broke the hug and he pouted.
Yoongi: You must be thirsty.
He got up and get you a cup of water.

Jin and the other arrive. They all give you a hug.
Y/n: How long have I been in coma?
Jin: 3 months
Jungkook: You are lucky a lot of people donated you blood.
Y/n: H-how is Irene?
Jungkook: We actually have eye on her a time long ago. We were just waiting for the right time to put her in jail.
Baekhuyn: Sis you should rest.
Jimin: I agreed
Taehuyng: Sis I have so many tea to spill you.
You smile and look over to Yoongi.


Y/n: Yes I will okay?
Mom: Make sure to drink it.
Your step-father bought it from Japan.
Y/n: Yea I will!
Mom: I will try to flight over there as soon as possible. I just need to organize some stuff okay? I love u
Y /n: Bye mom

Yoongi: Babe!
Y/n: Did you bring my clothes?
Yoongi: Yea here!
He took out legging and hoodie
Y/n: Isn't that your?
You point at his hoodie.
Yoongi: Yea!
He give you a small smile.

Yoongi helped you change. You walk out of the room.
Jin: What do you want to eat?
Y/n: Everything?
You said smiling at him. Taehuyng push Yoongi aside and started gossiping with you. Taehuyng got your left hand, you still have you other hand. You signaled Yoongi to grabbed.


Y/n: I couldn't sleep in the hospital without you.
You said as you snuggle closer to his chest. Your hand snake around his waist.
Yoongi: I thought I was going to lost you.
Even tho it was dark you still could see that he pouting.
Y/n: I love you
You gave him a peck.
Yoongi: I love you and thank you.
Y/n: Why?
Yoongi: You take that shot for me.
He gave you a kiss on your forehead.

It was just another day of break. You and Yoongi were just enjoying the Seoul view hand in hand.
Yoongi: Y/n!
You turn around and look at him. He kneel down, he took out a red box and open it.
Yoongi: Will you share a life with me?
Your eye was already teary. You were speechless, you nod and tear slide down your eye with joy. You gave him your hand and he put the ring on for you. He stand up and you hug him. You hug hims so tight that you sure that he couldn't breath.

You break the hug and kiss him. The kiss was full of hunger and passion.

You break the kiss to catch your breath. You smile and you put your forehead against his.

3 Months Later

You were sitting in the
make-up room nervously. You keep on tapping your foot. The door open and Taehuyng walk in.
Taehuyng: Trust me, you going to look great.
Y/n: Tae I'm scare feel my heart.
You grab his hand and put it on your chest.
Taehuyng: You going to look great!
He began to put on concealer and other stuff.
Y/n: How many people is out there?
Taehuyng: People are started coming. Relax okay?
Y/n: Did mom and dad come yet?
Taehuyng: They still getting ready I think.
Y/n: What about Jin?
Taehuyng: The last time I check he was eating 5 pack of black bean noodles!
You gasp
Y/n: What 5?! What about Yoongi?
Taehuyng: Still getting ready.
Y/N! stop asking a punch of question. You are making me mess up.
Y/n: I'm sorry... I'm just nervous...
Taehuyng: Okay done! Now go put on your dress.
He turn you around. For you to face the dress.

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