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Yoongi: Y/n? Y/N?
He re-dial the number.


???: You miss me?
Yoongi: Irene? What the fuck do you want?
Irene: I see, you got back with your expensive chic.
Irene: Chill, calm down. Money, you want her back, money. Oh and if you don't.
He heard a chuckle on the other side of the phone.
Irene: My boy right here wouldn't bother to touch her up a bit.
Another chuckle was heard.
Irene: Human trafficking...
A long pause
Irene: She would worth a few million dollars. 50 million won, then she be free and you and her could live happily after it. I will take good care of her.
He hit the steering wheel.

Yoongi: Hello? Is is Jungkook? 
Jungkook: Yea, huyng?
Yoongi: Y-you gotta help Y/n!
Yoongi sobbed
Jungkook: Huyng I'm coming over!

You feel the water hit your face. You open your eye and started coughing. Your eye scanned around the room there were multiple people in the room. Two person catches your eye.
That bastards!
The two mans standing next to that bitch is the mans who fucking rape you and beat you. Your blood started boiling as your brain started to process.
That bitch set up everything!
Irene: Wake up bitch!
She lower her self down to your level. You couldn't grab her hair or anything. Both of your hand and leg were tided. You gave her a death glare.
Irene: Oh don't give me that gl-
Before she could finish her sentence. You spit on her.
Y/n: Whore!
Her hand landed on your cheek. That make you fall to the side. You could feel the burn on your face.
Irene: Yah! I'm trying to be nice. But I guess not! Boys!
She stood up and walk the other way. The two mans walk up to you. They started kicking you. Everywhere burn but you not regretting what you did will maybe a bit. The kick you






They finally leave and all over your body burn. Irene once again lower her self down to your levels. She grabbed your chin for you to look at her.
Irene: Now you see who the boss here.
She stood up and walk away. She stop half way and tilted her head. So you could see half of her face.
Irene: Get ready for tomorrow you will love tomorrow.
She smirked and leave the room. Is like the soul leave your body. Your body drifted to sleep in the matter of second.

You wake up by the sound of the door closing. You slowly open your eye and sat up. The same mans from yesterday. He have an evil smirk on his face. You could see his intention clearly.
Man: I don't usually use thing twice but whatever.
No, not again!
You move backward until your back hit the cold wall. He pinned your arm. Again you tried to push him away. But that doesn't seem like it effecting him. He took off your sweat pant. Everything was going slow, your heart beat could be heard, his belt could be heard. You shut your eye tightly.

Irene: Not now! He coming! You know what to do!
He got off of me and left. I slowly got up and peak throw the door. He was cleaning a sniper gun. Irene approach him and said.
Irene: Her and then him.
He nodded and walk to the other side of the factory and climb up to the roof. What does her and then him mean? You gasped

3 Person POV
He took a deep breath and push the door open. He grabbed the suitcase that full of money.
Jungkook: Huyng don't worry my guys got your back.
Jungkook said through the ear piece.

He push the door open, it made a squeaking sound. It was an old abandoned factory. Even tho it was an old abandoned factory but camera were everywhere.
Irene: You came
She was standing in the middle of the large factory. He take a few step closer. He throw the suit case on the ground. The suits case open it and it was fill with money.
Yoongi: There the money
Irene: Boys
They bring Y/n out.
Y/n: Yoongi go away befor-

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