Chapter 1. A Shinning Beacon and Initiation

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y/n's pov:

It had been 7 years since you escape from your family. You had just been accepted into beacon the most prestigious hunter academy in Remnant. You had already been hunting Grimm ever since you escaped so initiation in your mind would be child's play. You had also developed your semblance or [THE WORLD] as you and it called it to be able to freeze time up to 9 seconds. You had also grown quite a bit standing at 6'5 and weight 280 pounds. Right now you were on a bullhead along with a bunch of other soon to be students and you towered over most of them by a half a foot, a few came close but not enough.

 Right now you were on a bullhead along with a bunch of other soon to be students and you towered over most of them by a half a foot, a few came close but not enough

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You had also noticed that no one could see [THE WORLD] but they could see your fiery aura when you use it. you looked through the students and saw someone you definitely recognized, actually make that two. Ruby and Yang were on the bullhead with you.

y/n:*Ahhh Ruby your so grow up now. you seam to fulfilling you dream as well. i would reveal myself but it seams that your are better off without me. i will watch you grow in pride however*.

a blond boy in light plat armor ran past you Ruby and Yang to get to the trashcan at the back of the bullhead. then thew came on and went over how Roman Torchwich led another successful robbery. then Glynda Goodwitch came up on the holoprojector, you had done your research on what to expect so you tuned it out. You heard something about Yang getting something on here shoe but you tuned it out as well because the bullhead was landing. you stepped out and before you was beacon academy.

y/n: hmmmm just as grand as a though it would be.

then the blond boy ran out of the bullhead straight to the trashcan closest to you.

y/n: hello there a you alright?

jaune: oh yeah i just get motion sickness easily is all, by the way my name is jaune arc, you?

y/n: y/n... Brando, well we should get going to the academy the announcement is starting soon.

jaune: oh yeah right... well see you later y/n!

y/n: likewise.

You use the world to quickly get to the announcement without anyone noticing. around 3/4s of the people are gathered when you hear the sound of a explosion outside.

y/n: hmmmm probably nothing.

a few minutes later and the announcement is a bout to start when you see ruby and jaune walk in.

y/n:*so she was the cause of the explosion or a least near it seeing as there is slight burn marks on here skirt*.

as the room filled up you noticed ruby standing next to yang and a girl with a white dress and long also white hair in a ponytail who seamed to be yelling at ruby.

y/n:*that brat thinks she can talk to my sister like that? no one talks to Ruby like that." walks over".

Ruby's pov:

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