Chapter 6. Aftermath of the Breach

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I do not own RWBY or Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure

RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth

Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure is owned by Hirohiko Araki

(Pov, Y/N)

After the breach in Vale by the Grimm had been stopped by Y/N people around the world, especially Vale, began to see him as a God of sorts. this would have been fine in Y/N's opinion. being praised and recognized was a craving of his after all. This however was a special case, a cult following for Y/N had formed and several had tried to break into the academy multiple times. Y/N had to personally ask them to stop over the news as their attempts were interrupting school life at Beacon. He also got "promoted" by Ozpin to be Glynda's assistant whenever he was in her class. something about "being a great opportunity for some of the not so successful students to learn from a more experienced student" and it would be good for me and Glynda", the old perv knows and I don't like it. He had also been getting whispers in his head. one voice feminine and comforting and another deep yet warming. The feminine voice spoke of power unlimited should he join her. The warming voice spoke of a plan, a plan to achieve heaven.

(flashback, news station)

Y/N can be seen sitting in a nice chair in a room with a full green screen and camera. He was in a professional black suit with his hair set flowing behind his back. Lisa, one of Vale's more famous reporters, would be broadcasting his message to the world.

Lisa: Are you ready sir?

Y/N: Yes, start the broadcast, please.

Lisa started the broadcast that the whole world would see as Y/N straightened his back and looked at the camera.

Y/N: Greetings people of Remnant, I am here today to ask for one thing. I wish for you to stop trying to break into Beacon academy. The first couple of times it was amusing but after that, it has started to become a problem. I am not asking you to stop praising me in public, I unlike others like the attention. others at Beacon however find the attempted break-ins quite the problem as it is disrupting the school's ability to train the next generation of hunters with people trying to break in every other hour. so I ask you to please stop, it's annoying now, that will be all.

the broadcast cuts out.

Y/N: alright now that that's over, time to get back to Beacon. I have a scheduled fight with JNPR today in combat class. 

Lisa: have a good day sir.

Y/N: to you as well.

Y/N stopped time and ended up on the roof of the building. from there he hoped from building top to building top until he got to the bullhead pads. he did not need one however, he raised his arms which turned into wings and he launched himself into the air before soaring to the academy. some people had seen him take off and were chanting his name.

(flashback end)

And now Y/N was waiting for team JNPR to get done in the locker room. He was in the middle of the arena as he sees JNPR come out from the locker room and line up in front of him. Jaune was looking nervous though he was doing a good at hiding it. Glynda was up on the class podium overseeing the arena.

Glynda: Today class we have a special opportunity! today we will be going over how your teams should engage a rogue hunter should you ever encounter them. Y/N here will be acting as the rogue huntsman for this exercise. It will be teams of four vs him! first up is team JNPR. is everyone in the arena ready?

Jaune: yes Mrs. Goodwitch!

Y/N: I am ready as well.

Glynda: alright then! 3 2 1 go!

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