Teaser for New Book

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A new child had just been born, the son of Raven Branwen. She held him close as the rest of the faimly gathered around in the hospital room. The baby boy was large for a baby and already had the signs of muscles forming in his arms and legs. The baby's eyes were closed but seemed to give off a reddish glow. The boy had inherited his fathers blond hair yet i had a hint of green at the tips for seemingly no discernible reason. No one in the faimly had green hair of any form. To the faimly though, that did not matter. he was part of the faimly, and that was all that mattered at the moment.

Raven:"tiredly" He looks beautiful.

The baby stirred slightly.

Young Yang: Is that my brother?

yang asked her mother.

Raven: Yes it is sweetie

the baby's head twitched. It was not noticed by them.

Qrow: Damn... look at the kids muscles Tai!

Summer: Qrow stop that!... though you are. No child should muscles like that as a newborn.

The baby opened its mouth wide for a moment, almost as if he was trying to yell for a moment before closing again.

Tai: Those muscles just mean he got a good future as a hunter ahead of him!

Tai said, excitedly.

Tai: And get all the girls in school.

Raven: Oh you stop that!

The baby's eyes open for a moment and the glow in them increases slightly. The faimly notices.

Baby Ruby: Bwothers eyes arw gwoing.

Raven: They certainly are Ruby.

They are looking in interest now as his eyes open once again and do not close.

Raven: Awwwwwwww... ive got a name. Lets name him Y/N.

Tai: That sounds beaut- 

The baby opens its mouth and lets out a yell- no a battle cry that can be heard throughout the patch hospital. His eyes glowing brighter and a green energy dancing across his skin.


I will continue with the current book so do not worry if you are a fan of this current story

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I will continue with the current book so do not worry if you are a fan of this current story.

Abused/Neglected DIO reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now