Chapter 3. Classes Part 2 and Forever Falls

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y/n's pov:

I was out for a midnight and i had found it. a nice grouped up squad of white fang stealing dust containers, oh how delicious they will be. but then i spotted someone... it was none other than Adam Taurus.

Adam: pick it up we have to jet these onto the bullheads quickly before the police show up.

W.F.M 1: why would we be scared of the police?

Adam: its not the police its them raising security  if they see us. if were spotted it will be much more difficult to pull this off in the future.

just them i drop down and pull one back into the darkness without a sound.

W.F.M 2: hey were did Hank g-

he was cut off as i bit into his neck and pulled him back making sure he screamed to get their attention.

W.F.M 3: who the hell was that!

Adam: it does not matter was have to get bac-

i threw both there bodies from the darkness in front of them.

i could see Adam seething in anger seeing his subordinates dead.


Y/N: as you wish"steps out of the darkness.

Adam spat at me.

Adam: you will pay for their deaths.

W.F.M 3: yeah ahhhhhh"he charged"

I simple hit him and the force of the impact caused him to explode covering Adam in blood.

Y/N: if you surrender i will make it quick.

Adam: NEVER! "he charges and unsheathes his Katana".

Y/N:"smirks" [THE WORLD] " the world stops his strike and pushes him back"

we both go into combat stances. he charges so i fire my essence beams and he barley dodges but it leave him wide open for [THE WORLD] as it punches him and he slides back.

feeling a bit cocky at the moment i un summon the world.

Y/N: now its time to end this!

Adam: yes it is" gets into a defensive stance".


I look to see his sword glowing red! he block each punch! im surprised... though i am severely holding ba-

Adam: Die!"releases the Moon Slice"

Y/N: wha!-

I split right down the middle and feel... pain? its been so long, though it is all for not.

Y/N: Impressive Adam.

Adam: what your alive! impossible! your cut in half! 

Y/N: you did, and against any other opponent you would have just won but im not everyone else. observe.

I grab both sides of my head in slide myself back into the correct position and regenerate a while smiling.

Adam: what no get away you human filth! gaghhhhh!

I bit into his neck and sap him about halfway. I then drop him to the ground to wait for more of his comrades to find him.

Y/N: goodbye Adam. Thanks for the snack!

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