Chapter 2. Family Reunion & Classes

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y/n's pov:

You exited the elevator at the top and you see Ozpin and Glynda. you step out and see your faimly there waiting for you.

Raven: We missed you so much!"she runs up to you and hugs you" I missed you so much!"begins crying into your chest".

Ozpin: I know you told me not to but i just could not knowing what they have gone through since you disappeared.

y/n: I-I... its all right... but we are talking about this later old man.

Qrow: good to have you back kid.

Summer: you did g-great during the i-initiation.

y/n: t-thank you.

Tai: s-son i know t-that you p-probably hate us bu-

y/n: no I dont hate you... i left because I could not deal with the abuse all the time. I could bring myself to hate you. especially you Yang... you were just a kid.

Qrow: well... thats good to hear. 

Tai: it is.

Ruby: big brother.. y-you've been here all this time... why did you not tell me!"joins in on the hug".

y/n: I thought that i would do it at another time... but the old man here knew who i was before i even got off the bullhead here did int you?

Ozpin: i did and would you refrain from calling me old man?

y/n: sorry.

Yang: y-you dont hate me... you forgive m-me?

y/n: yes yang. i dont hate you and i do forgive you.

Yang: thank you!"joins the hug".

Raven: you've grown so much. im sorry i was not a better mother."starts to cry" im so sorry i hurt you my bab-

y/n: shhhhhhh its okay. as i said i forgive you"smiles at here".

Tai, Summer and Qrow join in on the hug.

Ozpin:"a little to loudly" well isn't this nice.

Glynda: shhhhhhh dont ruin the moment

they stay in the hug for a what seamed like an eternity but it was only a few dozen seconds.

y/n: alright that enough. I feel like im getting crushed.

Your faimly: oh sorry!" they let go".

Ozpin: now while you are here id like to discuss the ability's you showed during initiation.

Tai: i would like to know that as well

Qrow: yeah like how you killed that last nevermore specifically and how you disappeared after you got your relic.

y/n: well both those can be answered with four words. It was my semblance. 

they all look shocked. even glynda and ozpin though less so than the others.

Summer: how does the killing of the nevermore have anything to do with you disappearing!

y/n: well you see"his fiery aura surrounds him" my semblance is what i call [THE WORLD]. It is like a guardian to me though to others it is completely invisible."pulls out paper".

a pencil seemingly floats in mid air from ozpins desk and begins writing on the paper. once it stops you show a picture of [THE WORLD] to them and they look slightly shocked.

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