Hello Friend

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Ramona woke up before the sun rise, shaking her fur she looked up to Steve who was sleeping soundly which was a rare accordance. Ramona stretch her body before making her way to Steve looking at him, Steve just rolled over to the other side pulling the covers closer to his nose. Ramona moved to the other side of the bed continuing to just looking at Steve before whining and pawing at the bed. Steve didn't respond, Ramona crawled on top of the continuing whining then licking Steve on his face. Steve only respond was to turn over blocking Ramona from leaving even more spit. Steve peeked his eye open a little watching Ramona through the mirror that was hanging on the wall then closing them when she was crawling closer to him. Ramona then went into phase two, licking Steve behind his ear, Steve tried to not laugh feeling her whiskers tickling his ear. Ramona finally had enough and let out a bark, that finally did the trick. Steve rolled over with a smile petting Ramona on her head, "I'm up girl." Steve said with a laugh. Ramona hopped off the bed then looking at Steve making sure he was really up. "I feel like going for a run today, what do you think girl?" Steve asked Ramona getting out the bed getting ready for their run. Ramona wagged her tail, it's been a while since they went running she was ready.

Steve made them a small pre-workout breakfast then heading out the door. When they made their way to the capital, Steve allowed Ramona off her leash, he was stretching when he spotted the same man that he's been seeing when ever him and Ramona came for a run. Steve smiled ready to torture the man, Ramona was watching the man running making sure he didn't come close to them. "Come on girl, it's time for a good run." Steve said while taking off at semi-full speed. Ramona was quick to follow loving that she can run, Steve looked back making sure Ramona was ok then spotting the man that was getting closer to being passed up. "On your left." Steve said to the man, the man just ignore him still in his zone, Ramona passed the man hitting him with her tail as she was passing by. Steve made sure every once in a while to check on Ramona, he wasn't to worried about her keeping up that was never a problem, he did it just to make sure people knew she was with him and not just some stray, Ramona was a big dog, she had an intimidating look to her. Steve learned people can still be sacred of her when she was close to him. Steve and Ramona continue with their run passing the man a few more times, "On your left." Steve huffed out passing the man, finally hearing the man getting annoyed which took longer then usual, "Yep on my left got it!" The man yelled, Ramona once again pass the man this time zigzagging and running in circles around him before continuing on following Steve, "Leave me a lone mutt!" the man yelled not liking to be shown up by a dog. On their last lap Steve passed the man for the last time, "Don't you dare say, don't say it!" The man tried to stay in front of Steve, "On you left." Steve huffed passing the man in his poor attempt to stay in front of him. Ramona ran just as quickly pass the man with her tongue out enjoying life. "Oh come on!" The man finally gave crawling to the trees feeling like he was dying.

Steve and Ramona was done with their run, spotting the man breathing hard in the trees. The man heard the dog coming near following by Captain America. "Do you need a medic?" Steve ask breathing a little harder but not nearly as tired as the man before him is. Ramona was breathing hard herself, but her stamina made great improvement over the past few months since she and Steve started running on a regular. "Man, do you understand what you did, you ran 13miles in less then 30min." The man huffed out, Steve laugh, "That's it, man we must of got a late start." The man laugh back in unbelievable, "You both should be a shame, take another lap, did you take it, i'm assuming you both just did." "Steve Rogers" Steve introduce himself, "Sam Willson. I figure I knew who you were" Sam said shaking Steve hand. "I'm assuming this is Ramona." Sam said looking at the dog that didn't let him out of her sight. "Yep this is her." Steve said petting Ramona. Sam smiled at the duo, "I'm sure this is all very strange, do you miss the good old days." Sam ask. Steve wasn't sure how to answer him, "Well, everything here isn't to bad, the food is so much better tv help with that, the internet is amazing." Steve said listing all the good things that have happen in this century. Sam took a minute to add on, "Marvin Gaye 'Trouble Man' everything you need to know on one album." Sam said, "I'll put that on the list, thanks." Steve said putting down in his little notebook. Ramona let out a yawn ready for a drink and relaxing in her bed, Steve phone let out an alarm notifying him of a message. Steve pulled out his phone seeing Natasha message. "Have to go Sam, duty calls. Thanks for the run, if that's what you want to call it." Steve said hooking Ramona up on her leash who was laying down in the shade away from the men. "Oh, that's how it is." Sam said as he spotted a nice car pulling up to the curb then noticing the cute red head driving it. "Hey fellas, do you know where the Smithsonian is, i'm her to pick up a fossil." Natasha said with a smirk. Steve smile, "Very funny, I forgot to laugh." Ramona jump in the small car, not liking the space. "You can't run everywhere." Steve said to Sam. "No you can't, bye you guys." Sam said walking a way after the car speed off in the distance.

"You smell." Natasha said to Steve who was looking out the window in deep thought. "Well we did run 30miles, what do you expect." Steve replied not really paying attention, Sam question was still burning in his mind. "Fury have a mission for us tonight i'll pick you both up later ok." Natasha said handing Steve a file. "Fury want Ramona with us too?" Steve question. "Yes, she's part of the team, plus she know how to  sky dive." Natasha said looking at the dog that was squeeze in the backseat. Steve grab the file, "Thanks, i'll see you later." Steve said getting out of the car with Ramona almost knocking him over from escaping out of the car as quickly as she can. "Oh no smelly, i'm not the only one that stink, you missy is getting a bath." Steve said grabbing Ramona collar before she can escape. Ramona tried to run away after hearing the worst word that man kind created.

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