Man Down

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Steve and Ramona walked out of Peggy room after a few hours with her. Peggy was really happy to see that Steve really was alive and doing well for himself, she enjoyed the stories of him learning about literally everything and almost burning down their first home in New York. They shared a few laughs and tried to keep the tears at bay as much as they could. Steve was really proud of how Peggy lived her life and to hear some of the history behind Shields.  When Peggy slipped back into her dementia, Steve didn't mind repeating the conversation with her. Steve let out a big breath trying to keep his tears at bay from visiting Peggy, he was happy to see that she was doing well despite having dementia that same fire was still in her eyes. Ramona let out a whine nudging Steve hand in comfort. Steve smiled petting her head walking out of the building heading home. Steve and Ramona made it home when they ran into the blonde neighbor, "I'm going to have to call you back soon, yea, yea, ok bye." Sharon said getting off the phone then smiling at Steve and Ramona. Ramona had her ears perked hearing noise coming from their home and began sniffing the bottom of the door. "Sorry, my aunt she's kind of crazy" Sharon said placing her phone in her basket of laundry. Steve smiled trying to gather up courage to talk to the woman, "You know you can use my machine, i'm sure it beats going down stairs." Steve said, Ramona took her nose away from the door with her ears perked scratching at it. Sharon looked surprise at Captain America boldness, "Oh, and what's the price." Sharon flirted back, "Coffee." Steve said with a shy smile, Ramona was getting frustrated with the lack of attention Steve wasn't giving her, Ramona let out a soft bark then went back to scratching at the door. Steve didn't pay her any mind, still talking with his neighbor. "Oh, I think you left your radio on, i've been hearing music playing for a while now." Sharon said then going down the stairs to do her laundry. 

Steve snapped out of his stupa finally noticing Ramona was alerting him that someone was in his apartment. Steve said thank you to Sharon, then making sure she made it down the stairs before listening to the door. Steve can hear heavy breathing through the music playing, "Come on girl." Steve said going out the hall way window and sneaking to his window on the fire escape. Steve quietly open his window then crawling in, Ramona followed after high alert. Steve kept his grip on her collar, giving her the secret signal Steve peeped his head around the corner , Ramona step forward in front of Steve ready to take out the intruder with her teeth bared growling. Both stopped spotting Nick in the chair, Steve gave him a confuse look then commanded Ramona to 'Sit' Ramona sat looking and smelling Nick. Ramona can smell the blood and hear his irregular breathing. "What are you doing here, I don't remember inviting you here." Steve said keeping his hold on Ramona but dropping his shield against the wall. "My wife, we had a bad fall out, I had no where else to go." Nick said pulling out his phone typing something on it. Steve turned on the light then finally seeing the damage that happen to Nick. Nick quickly put his finger on his lips, then turning off the lamp. Nick showed his phone to Steve 'Ears Everywhere' Steve read the message then began looking around his apartment feeling very violated. "Who else know about your wife." Steve said, "Just my friends." Nick said showing Steve another message, 'Sheild Compromise' Steve read the message again feeling the hair on the back of his neck stand at end. Nick stood up walking towards Steve, Ramona gave a small growl since Nick was coming a bit to close or her comfort. The next thing everyone knew gun shots were coming through the walls, Nick was hit twice when Steve grab him pulling him around the other side where the front door was. Ramona followed Steve staying close to him going back into the war dog mood when ever she hear that familiar booming noise.

Sharon bust down his door with a gun drawn, "Mr. Rogers, are you ok, i'm Agent 13." Sharon stated before spotting them close to the front door rushing to Nick side, before she reach them Nick pulled Steve shirt close to him to deliver a message, "Don't trust no one." Nick said wheezing out every breath then handing him the drive that Steve seen Natasha get back on the pirate ship, Steve was shock to see his neighbor with a gun then finding out she also worked for Shields. Steve quickly spotted a sliver something out the conner of his eyes thanks to the moonlight then quickly went into pursuit. "Ramona 'Atacka'" Steve commanded. Ramona went into pursuit after the person, Steve was in front helping to knocking down the doors that was in their way. Ramona ran at full speed, the person was fast always staying a few feet ahead of both her and Steve. Finally they made it to the roof of another building, Ramona ran straight to the stranger ready to bite him, the man quickly turned and kick Ramona with all he had, Ramona flew pass Steve but quickly got back on her feet ready to charge again, this time ready for the attack. Steve was surprise the man reacted so quickly, then he threw his shield at the man who caught it with speed that match Steve's. Ramona stop mid charge when the wind blew in her direction, she recognize this scent but it's been so long she wasn't sure, next thing she felt was the wind from Steve shield passing her and knocking into Steve. Steve caught the shield after being thrown back a few feet, he was in shock, never before have he experience anyone with so much strength and agility. Ramona was frozen in her spot looking at the man trying to find his scent again but the wind wasn't in her favor, Ramona tail subconsciously began to wag when the man looked at her, he then quickly jumped off the roof before Steve recovered from his shock. Steve shook off the surprise trying to pursue the man, looking over the roof, the man just vanish, like a ghost. Steve looked around the surrounding area, not spotting anyone that look suspicious, he then turned his attention to Ramona who didn't move from her spot. Steve was surprise she didn't chase after the man, matter a fact, Ramona wagged her tail at the man. 

"What happen girl, why did you stop." Steve said feeling like his whole world here in Washington is a lie also understand why Tony despise this state. Now Steve was confuse as to why Ramona didn't follow through with the attack and with the chase, she could've easily continue with the chase. Ramona just whine, feeling confuse herself, she knew that scent, she smelt it every since her puppyhood, she's been searching for that scent for what felt like another life time and finally she got a whiff  of it but it was gone before she knew it. Steve finally decided that maybe her paw was bothering her and that's why she didn't follow through with the chase. Steve looked around one more time then deciding to go to the hospital and see how Nick was doing. "Come on girl, let's go, i'm sure we will see that person again soon, next time we will get him." Steve said checking on Ramona paw then walking off the roof to follow the ambulance that held Nick. Ramona follow behind, but then stop looking at the spot the stranger was standing. Ramona twitch her nose once more trying to find the scent that seemed to just disappear in thin air, she let out a whine then ran to catch up to Steve.

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